All that comes close to femininity is seen wrong in men, and proof of that is that no man has ever appeared trying to sing, neither in the traditional alarming nor in the egalitarian. But in a society where gender stereotypes exert so much pressure on our bodies and identities, there are those who break those limitations.
Antxon Jauregi opens a new door where, for the first time, a man will go to the cantinera on the brink. You know that people will be bitten, as you said in the Basque Journal, but you do not care if you respect it.
The company of the neighborhood of San Miguel de Irun was created this year in the alarming parity, a company in which Jauregi has appeared to be a cantinera. He has had the doors open from the company at all times and has made it clear that there are no rules that indicate that a man cannot come to the canteen. Jauregi has received a great deal of support and looks forward to the Sanmartial at the end of June.
Pioneer children
Last year, for the first time, two boys came out in cantina in Donostia's child drink. In Irun, four years ago we counted the case of a 13-year-old boy: Before the festivities of Irún he chose to sing in the Alarde that the students perform in the school. This requires courage and security, as the child who moves away from male roles becomes a target of easy mocking, but the new generations are also an example of what we are taking steps in society.
Miren Etxebeste Ahal Dugu-ko Irungo Udaleko Berdintasun zinegotziak eman die alarde parekidekoei bandera. Haatik, Irungo alkate Jose Antonio Santanok ez die harrera egin, emakumeak baztertzen dituen desfileari bakarrik bideratuz arreta.