According to Rementeria, the General Plan was created "at the request of society". The plan now shows that fraud is virtually non-existent in the area of social assistance. It is only 1%, "very small", as Rementeria herself has said: "99% of the money we distribute has been used properly. In addition, the problem has been that we have not been informed that their situation has changed. You can't say they were planning to cheat."
A total of EUR 1.4 million in social service benefits and grants has been fraudulent, and the Parliament has requested that this amount be reimbursed to the beneficiaries. Rementeria mentions other cases of fraud, such as the one related to the Treasury, and mentions that in this area the fraud was estimated at 477.5 million euros.
Isabel Sánchez Robles, MP for Social Action, provides detailed data: among the 23,785 benefits analyzed, one third are “disability benefits” and two thirds are dependent benefits. In both areas, 91.3 million have been distributed and only 1.4 million have been claimed (about 2%).
Sánchez also provides data on the support received by agents and associations. The aid of 24.3 miles has been analysed and a total of 0.2% fraud has been detected.
On the other hand, only 31 of the 299 centres that offer their services in Bizkaia have found errors.
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