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A gene that protects humans from bird flu is identified

  • A gene capable of blocking most avian influenza strains in humans’ upper and lower airways has been identified. It is called BTN 3A3 and prevents replication of the virus RNA, that is, it does not allow it to reproduce. Instead, it's ineffective against seasonal flu viruses.

05 July 2023 - 08:00

The details of the study have been published in the journal Nature. Researchers have explained that in recent times avian influenza has spread widely between wild and farmed birds, reaching even other animal species. At the moment, few human beings have been contaminated and all of them have a very close relationship with birds.

However, they have acknowledged that they are not yet well aware of the transmission of avian influenza to other species and have recalled that the 1918 influenza pandemic virus allegedly reached humans from birds. In order to clarify the keys to transmission, the behaviour of different genes that may be involved in transmission has been studied with respect to avian influenza and annual influenza strains. And you've seen that the BTN 3A3 gene is able to block the replication of most avian flu strains in human cells. Conversely, seasonal human influenza viruses are resistant to BTN 3A3.

Avian influenza viruses that have become human pests, such as the H7N9 virus, have also been studied. Since 2013, it has contaminated over 1,500 people with a mortality rate of 40%. They have been shown to have a genetic mutation that allows them to escape the BTN 3A3 gene block.

Researchers warn of the constant mutation of viruses, so genetic surveillance of viruses with zoonotic and pandemic capacity is essential to facilitate understanding and control of the spread.

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