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Skyscraper that's called a man

03 November 2021 - 07:01

We all know their skyscrapers, in our villages we also have long houses from 10 to 20 floors. In some parts of the world, there are also plants with over 100 plants. If these homes or these offices have so many feet to the sky, also below the surface of the earth will have some. On the one hand, there is a need for parking lots for so many offices and, above all, because houses of this length need stronger bases.

When you want to explore human evolution and look for information about it, all the reports start with the monkeys, the primates. But science tells us something else, that the human being has more precedents and that the studies of his genes take us a long way. We have to consider Tximuena as an important moment of evolution, but in order to understand the human being as a whole, we have to go much further.

"With the concept of life we have, we can't call life this atom dance. What the hell is then? Energy

The human being is undoubtedly a living being, and the birth of life is also a very important moment. We mentioned the moment, but these events did not occur at lightning speed, but in thousands or millions of years. It wouldn't be bad if you said what life is, if it could be explained. Most say that everyone who does this cycle, is born, multiplies and dies, has life. Others add that the ability to obtain energy, the ability to respond to external or internal stimuli or the ability to adapt to different situations are also important.

The Earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago, and the first cells appeared about 3.5 billion years ago. It is evident that a probiotic physico-chemical state had previously been given, since life is a consequence of a long process. Therefore, it can be said that the elements necessary for life to occur were there. From the moment that that Big Bang explosion happened? Or, before the explosion, was there something that was called nothingness, quantum energy vacuum, back-up energy, the source of everything that exists, something to create life? Answering these questions is impossible at present and will not be easy in the future.

We've given a brief explanation to what we call life, but in that effort, we've barely said anything about energy. In quantum science, scientists who research the elements of smallness and the smallest particles, when they talk about matter, they talk about energy, and they say that matter doesn't exist, it's about energy. Let's take a pebble, with the definition given above, which has no life, doesn't it? Let's study their atoms and their particle components: protons, neutrons and electrons. Or smaller particles like quarks and hadrons, and we'll find that in that little piece of stone there's more movement than in spring beehives. With the concept of life that we have, we can't call life this atom dance. What the hell is then? Energy. In my view, in a very humble conviction, energy is the most important element of life. Molecules are made of atoms and also the first cells, so they're full of energy. In the formation of cells, minerals also had a lot to do, as they do in our bodies. I know very little about science, but before I start with what I really want to explain, I wanted to give some light on these elements, perhaps taking into account that the opposite may happen.

So let's go to that skyscraper that's called man, and let's start talking about man. The human being, animated, does not start with the monkeys, but before the explosion of the Big Bang. It is believed that after the explosion some elements emerged, such as hydrogen, helium, lithium, and later, for life to occur. From the first cells to the entire subsequent process, human beings have also been present. This would be the deepest floor of the human skyscraper. On a firmer basis. We've always been. The first cells seem to be plant and the first ones have been given plants and trees, ahead of other animal cells. I was surprised to read that a banana has a genetic similarity of 60 percent to human beings. That plants, trees and their fruits have a lot to do with us. We moved to another underground plant: animals. We started with the first protocell cells, monoocular protozoa, and with the complex structures of many cells, we moved on to the most complete animals. Our genetic DNA is related to many animals and not just chimpanzees. So a mouse has 80 percent similarity to our DNA, the domestic cat in Abyssinia has 90 percent, the vinegar mosquito has 61 percent. A chimpanzee has a 96 percent similarity to our DNA. I am referring to similarity and not equality. Even if it sounds like a lie, the plants, cells and animals that we've mentioned are our ancestors, our ancestors, our older siblings. The human being cannot forget this, as it carries with it the genetic information of them. These underground plants of the skyscraper of the human being are very important and we cannot forget them. They're also part of us.

"The development of intelligence has served us to climb the skyscraper floors, but we have forgotten what we are and where we come from."

We have reached the surface of the earth in the skyscraper of man. This house has no elevator and the stands must be raised one by one for thousands and millions of years. The human being gradually begins to overcome the chimpanzee's existence and behavior and goes through the African savannahs, standing on two legs, trying to hunt something. For thousands of years he was learning and improving and that first human being Australopithecus surpassed a couple of skyscraper plants. Then came other men from different branches, homo habilis, homo erectus, homo neanderthal, etc. They all disappeared, and our predecessors were homo sapiens.

All these human beings were slowly climbing up in the needle of the house, always getting better. It's clear that they had a clearer head and that as the floors went up in the skyscraper, they had more clarity and more perspective. But, on the other hand, they went away from the earth and, above all, from the deep foundations of the skyscraper. The warm, cold wind of the height opened their throat and began to become selfish, selfish and lonely. The development of intelligence has served us to raise the floors of the house door, but we have forgotten what we are and where we come from. Ecology, solidarity, feminism, co-education, welcoming immigrants, nice words are used, but without getting down from the high floors of the house door.

The skyscraper that we are is everything from the grassroots to where we've come. And remember, we haven't reached the top yet, we're walking. Most of us are going up and down the two and three floors, turning and turning, because we don't make progress. I think that's where we are.

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ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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