What value? The amount of energy generated in the incinerator is very small and the pollution generated is very high. Furthermore, its parts do not make any effort to properly separate waste: Donostia, Irun, Hondarribia… are examples of this.
In Gipuzkoa, thanks to a Goierri company, we can recycle diapers and pads. But at the General Meetings of Gipuzkoa, with the votes of EAJ-PNV and PSE-EE, the purchase of the technology offered by this company has not been approved. Hard to understand?
In Gipuzkoa, thanks to a Goierri company, we already have the way to recycle diapers and pads. But at the General Meetings of Gipuzkoa, with the votes of EAJ-PNV and PSE-EE, the purchase of the technology offered by this company has not been approved. Hard to understand? Even more knowing that 70% of Gipuzkoa's real rejection consists of diapers and pads. Perhaps they are afraid to run out of fuel to feed the incinerator?
According to a report prepared by Tecnalia at the request of the incinerator company in Bilbao, Zabalgarbi has increased alarmingly the number of arsenic, manganese, copper and dioxins found in the soil, water and surrounding vegetation since its opening 10 years ago.
This is what we can also expect here since the incineration plant in Zubieta began. Contamination of soils, waters, orchards and plants in the area, taking into account the direct impact on health. Isn't that terrible?
According to a report by Tecnalia, Zabalgarbi was opened 10 years ago and the figures for arsenic, manganese, copper and dioxins around the incinerator have increased alarmingly.
You, in the contract signed with the corrupt company Urbaser, have agreed not to control the levels of the 12 highly toxic substances. There will therefore be emissions into the atmosphere without any control.
Olano and Asensio, after reading all the above, dare you say once again that you are in favour of climate change?
You who are deceiving society through the media make it clear that instead of acting against the problem of climate change you are part of the problem.
He participates in the demonstration against the Zubieta incinerator to be held on 27 October, at 17:00 in the afternoon, leaving the Centennial Square. Stay cool!
Groups that call: The Incinerator Movement, GuraSOS, GEIS/OEIT, Eguzki, ERNAI, Gipuzkoa Zutik, Greenpeace, and No + Precariousness, together with the unions ELA, LAB, CCOO, EHNE, ESK, HIRU and ESTEILAS.