According to who, the authorities of Bizkaia have “offered” (in the words of the newspapers of the Noticias group) or “demanded” (in the versions of the Correo group) to the people of Gipuzkoa. One way or the other, some things are clear. One, Bizkaia is ready to take the ruins of Gipuzkoa on its lands but for a short time. Two, he will not accept these mixed trash as such, sent as GHK sends them to the Guipuzcoan Youth: If they are to be abandoned in a landfill in Bizkaia, they must have received some other treatment beforehand, at least in a TMB and optionally in the incinerator. Three, Gipuzkoa must pay all the expenses caused by the waste, not only the expenses for its treatment or permanent burial, but also the fees for the changes that Bizkaia must make to its infrastructures for taking them.
Since the PNV and the PSE assumed the authority of the main institutions of Gipuzkoa in 2015, the change that was being made in selective selective thematic collections of waste was cancelled, with the consequent suspension of the decrease in the number of last rejects or mixed garbage, which was very noticeable in the previous legislature. On the other hand, they closed the way to the first TMB designed for Gipuzkoa until the operation of the Zubieta incinerator was well linked (now Bizkaia reproaches this, not accepting any garbage that has not passed through the TMB in the warehouses of its territory). And, above all, they have given the greatest part of the legislature to revive and launch the Puentes incinerator project, promising that everything will be well arranged in 2019.
This is how Gipuzkoa has gone from starting an exemplary transition in waste management at European level to becoming a territory suffocated by garbage and not knowing where to enter (the Mutila landfill cannot swallow everyone and the Mallabia landfill has the prophetic name of “Complarte”) to being a victim of pressure and games between institutions and political parties around waste.
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