It was last night. The Sorbía Gintonic family. I've been divorced from gynecology for a long time. I really like peas, very wet teeth, but I can't drink tonic, too sweet and too many rude pompas.
We are meat lovers and all around the house, inside the cat's cramps, you'll go wherever you go, you'll find all kinds of bitterness. In the kitchen there is always a cooked, to cook, to swell any raw food or to add to the ginthera an asprey, whatever, an acid fruit, of the genus Citrus: mandarin (Citrus reticulata), orange (C. sinensis), lemon (C. limon), lime (C. median-Tanantiolia), es. sarcodactylis), yuzua (C. junus), grapefruit (C. x paradisi), citrus caviar (C. australasica), cumkuat oval (C. margarita), lima cumkuata (C. x floridana)…
If a palate provides a curious gin and does not give another order, in our case the ginthica is made with the Rangpur tanjerine file. She lives next to her house, I see her out the window, she's a rich grain of fruit and she can't hold it anymore. I don't know anyone as the skin of his grain to marry the bitterness of the icing, but above all with the excess sweetness of most of the tonics. Three formidable triangles.
Yeah, there they were last night, the ones in the house, pulling the triple swing, and I was struck by the thick plant that was coming up in the mouth of the huge pussy. Today it seems that gintonica is not gintonic if it is not provided with fruits, petals, seeds, etc. For example, juniper grain (Juniperus communis) refreshes and experiences gin; cardatomous seed (Elettaria cardamonum) adds the bixi point and exotic tasting; the nerve or ground ginger (Zingiber officinale) produces intense freshness pain; nail (Syzygium aromatium) produces sequential pain. Cinnamomum verum (Cinnamomum verum) gives you a sweetness reminiscent of wood; Brazilian pink pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) (Schinus terebinthifolius) with subtle and fine juice; Arab slices (Citrus x paradisi) bitter and bitter fresh; florid aromas (Lavender spalpt). The
limb of the plant in the cup was none of them, it was Roman, Romanian or Romera (Rosmarinus officinalis), plucked from the plant on the edge of the garden of the grandmother. He was proud to be on the edge of the cup, under the smell of grass that characterizes the gin, with its resinous smell of church.
If you want to add some of these disconcerting Gintonists, here is the road to the best performance: choose additives according to guinea, crush the smells in the mortar and add to the gin, let it rest for a quarter of an hour and place it; put it in the ice cube, add the tonic so that you do not miss your spark and fix it with a glass of those.
Use rosemary. It will also help you remember what has happened at the toughest time, as smelling rosemary awakens memory. In other Europe, the novels that remembered her loved one in marriages and helped maintain her faithfulness always had a small nightmare to remember even after her death. Tinkle.
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