Car sharing with strangers is becoming more and more common today. Simply download an application to your phone and specify the origin, destination and time of departure. It is the programme itself that brings people together. These types of applications are not very few, and there is competitiveness. Uber has just presented its improvement, which will clarify many of the users’ concerns.
Before the journey, the driver and the user will be able to know each other. Uber will apply to your system oral communication, i.e. video call, which also have WhatsApp or Skype, to improve the service of users. However, Hipertextual has indicated that users’ phone numbers will not be visible to preserve their privacy. The use of the application requires Internet access at all times.
However, despite the fact that Uber has informed of the innovation, it has not made concrete when it will be able to use it.
The City of Bilbao, concerned
Alfonso Gil, Councilman for Mobility of the City of Bilbao, was concerned about the statements made last Thursday. Uber, which has just arrived in the Biscayan capital, has passed a warning to them even though they are about to talk to them next Friday. In a recent interview at Radio Taxi Bilbao, Lasarte assured that it offers the same service as the taxi, but that it completely prohibits them from replacing taxis.
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