The presentation was made on the eve of 1 December, the day on which International AIDS Day is celebrated. One of the results of the collaboration is the Undetectable=Incommunicable campaign. Campaign drivers claim it has become undetectable by current testing methods, as the HIV virus is in the body but has no viral activity. Being undetectable allows the infection to be controlled. People undergoing effective treatment cannot transmit the virus. The fact that sexual intercourse does not have a condom does not pose any risk.
The other result of the collaboration between Bizkaisida, Euskaltzaindia and the Basque Government is the dictionary of the Basque language. The fear, stigma and taboo that society has and has around HIV make language so too. Through the series of terminologies in Basque it is intended to rule out these connotations. Examples of the dictionary produced by the campaign drivers are:
Rejected: HIV disease/disease, sexually transmitted disease
To be used: HIV infection, sexually transmitted infection
Rejected: HIV Contamination
To be used: Transmission of HIV
Rejected: Dangerous Collectives, Dangerous Behaviors
To be used: Risky practices, people at risk for HIV
Hego Euskal Herrian 2020an 134 kasu positibo atzeman dituzte. Abenduaren lehena da Hiesaren Aurkako Nazioarteko Eguna, eta NBEk ohartarazi du oraindik pandemia hori ez dela amaitu; iaz munduan 680.000 pertsona hil ziren hiesarekin lotutako gaixotasunen ondorioz.
Passionate, guerrilla, passionate 120 battements par minute, like the activism of Act Up. The 1990s are the beginning and AIDS kills a lot of people in France (also), but Parisian activists are not willing to give up, they struggle to put pressure on institutions and... [+]
GIBari heltzeko garaian, guk uste dugu arlo biomedikoan soilik oinarritzen den estrategia ez dela nahikoa LGTB+ komunitateak sexu-osasunean dituen premiei erantzuteko. Lesbiana, Gay, Transexual eta Bisexualen Estatu Federazioak diskurtso inklusibo bat jarri nahi du agerian... [+]
Sutsua, gerrillaria, pasionala da 120 battements par minute, Act Up taldearen aktibismoa bezalatsu.
Madrilgo Alcala-Meco espetxean da dagoeneko gaixo larrien zerrendan dagoen Ibon Iparragirre euskal preso ondarrutarra. Pneumonia zantzuekin ospitaleratu zuten maiatzaren 31n, baina ekainaren 8ko arratsaldean eraman dute berriz ere kartzelara.
Osasunaren Mundu Erakundeak (OME) diru gehiago erabiltzen du urtero bere 7.000 kideen bidaiak ordaintzeko osasun publikoaren aurkako zenbait mehatxu larriri aurre egiteko baino, Associated Press (AP) berri agentziak eskuratu duen barne-txosten batean ikus daitekeenez.