The Gipuzkoa Waste Consortium has stated that waste from the Zubieta incinerator has been incinerated for 42 days without prior treatment. The pre-treatment meter had no activity, but the energy recovery meter showed that it burned 3666.68 tons. The Gara newspaper has suggested these days that there was something "weird."
The GHK says it has been somewhat “provisional”. It also pointed out that incinerators of similar characteristics “tend to do so”. “It is untrue that the Integrated Environmental Authorisation approved at the General Meetings of Gipuzkoa and the Waste Management Plan have been breached, as the recovery of the waste introduced has continued, although it has been carried out provisionally without pre-treatment,” he reiterated.
According to the Ancín SOS group, only waste from housing can be burned without treatment, municipal waste is not allowed to be burned without pre-treatment. The GHK denies AnclSOS’s complaint and claims that the activity has not caused any risks, that purification controls and automatic measurements work normally. He reports that despite not having made a pre-treatment, he has the authorization of the Basque Government to produce energy from waste.
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