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GHK refuses to appeal against Intxaurrandieta and Errazkin

  • Those responsible for the GHK requested a legal report to analyse the possibilities for a new appeal, after the Spanish State Court of Auditors absolved it twice. According to the report, the possibility of winning a remedy "is not reasonable", and the GHK General Assembly today decided to reject the possibility of doing so.

19 July 2019 - 13:16

The Waste Consortium of Gipuzkoa decided in the previous legislature to act against Ainhoa Intxaurrandieta and Iñaki Errazkin, an organization governed by the PNV and the PSE, respectively. Ainhoa Intxaurrandieta was president of the consortium and Iñaki Errazkin, a Deputy Environmental Representative of the Provincial Council, when EH Bildu decided to stop the incinerator in the 2011-2015 legislature, when he ruled the Provincial Council. Following the government’s recovery in the next legislature, PNV and PSE reported to Intxaurrandieta and Errazkin in the Court of Auditors, claiming compensation of EUR 46 million.

The Spanish Court of Auditors ruled against the GHK that acted correctly when the incinerator of Intxaurrandieta and Errazkin stopped. The GHK appealed against the judgment and was ratified by the Court of Auditors of the National Court of Auditors. The only possibility of filing a new appeal is to appeal to the Supreme Court, which has ruled for two years. The GHK requested a legal report to decide whether or not to do so. Today was the day on which GHK analysed the report in its assembly. It states that the possibility of winning a resource "is not reasonable". It also suggests that you may not be admitted to the procedure. The GHK Assembly unanimously agreed to waive the possibility of recourse to the Public Prosecutor’s Office’s decision.


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