Luis Mari Bengoa, Gerardo Bengoa and Jon Leunda are the creators of the monthly magazine and have announced that it will be distributed free of charge.
“Seven to eight years ago we made another attempt to create the magazine,” but then they explain to Berria that it did not go ahead. Despite numerous popular sports tests every weekend, “most of the media give us little space”, he denounces that Bengoa and the people must know that popular sports are “alive”.
The articles included in the magazine can be read in both Basque and Spanish and some texts will soon be published in English. “In fact, we would like to leave the magazine in country houses and hotels so that outside visitors can learn about popular sports.”
In the pages of our exports, opinion articles, chronicles, interviews, tournament results and agenda for the following weeks will be published. “The magazine has sixteen pages, but looking ahead, there may be more.”
According to Bengoa, the magazine has been “very well received” by the public. “It encourages fans of popular sports to follow us, and it would be our illusion to continue for a long time.”
How easy we judge people next to (or not next to). Everything else is easy, except for your own. We then seek a solution to others. And how hard it is to manage what you have inside. Many times we idealize specific people, as if they were all right. And how little we know about... [+]
Duela hogei urte izan zen, Japoniako Akita hirian jokatu zen txapelketa batean: podiumetik alde egin zuen Sakanako sokatira taldeak Espainiako ereserkia entzutean. Une hura eta geroko zalaparta ondo gogoan dute Bea Razkinek eta Nerea eta Belen Lizarragak, aldarria egin zuten... [+]
There are numerous measures that are being taken in our environment to improve the quality of sport, both to concretize the minimum training of technicians of different levels and areas, and to promote their professionalism, as well as to promote specialisation in the sports... [+]
I believe that in any negotiation internal reflections before sitting at the table are very important. We must measure the forces of those involved and know how far you are prepared to go. Regretting what you've done, what you've said, and above all what you've signed, will make... [+]
Ane Elordi (Zornotza, 1991) Arratiako Harriti nesken taldera batu zen orain hiru bat hilabete. Talde lanean 500 kiloko harriari tiraka erakustaldiak eskaintzen dituzte. Indarra behar da, baina gakoa koordinazioan dagoela dio.
Suedian jokatutako txapelketan lortu dute domina, lur gaineko 580 kilogramoko proban lehiatuta. Sokatirako taldeak 2014an lortu zuen ofizialtasuna.
If one day I was attacked by a microphone, unexpectedly hidden behind a sweet smile, before I took the sucks off my eyes, I would ask him if I feel Spanish, I would answer him no. I don't feel like I don't feel. And if I asked for an argumentative answer, without losing myself to... [+]