The protest began at 18:00 in the afternoon, from the Bidezabal Metro Station, and all approached by bike and on foot to the place called Tosu Landa, the new parking that currently occupies 295 seats. The citizens wanted to symbolize that with this cycle march there are other ways not to have to use the car: "We have demonstrated that there are alternatives that can place spaces at the service of citizenship, from respect to nature." They also denounced the "greed" of authorities and builders: "Your ambition has no limits."
In addition to regretting the "lack of necessity" of the Ibarbengoa Metro Station and the adjacent parking, they denounced several projects that are underway throughout Uribe Kosta: "Polideportivo a construcción en Kurkudi de Leioa; Derribo project of the Centre of Elders and Gaztetxe de Itzubaltzeta/Romo; Tunnel bajo ría; Housing complex to be built in Otxandategi and Otxandategi de Berango; Shopping centre to Bareño de Sopela; Wild Construction of Urduz
As for the new Getxo parking lot, the group regretted that this is a "pharaonic and unnecessary" project: "It has cost more than EUR 5 million, it is anti-ecological and has been carried out without the participation of the citizens", he added. In view of this, they consider that the best way to defend nature is to mobilize society, and thus warned that they will continue to fight with many other people and agents until "to paralyze these macro-projects until the life and needs of citizens are the most important in urban planning, until our peoples respect the environment".
Although the protest was peaceful, the Ertzaintza went to the entrance of the Ibarbengoa parking lot, alerted by the local security officers. Thus, the police identified four people: the three people who hanged the banner from the top of the parking lot and a member who participated in the mobilization.
After three years of work, about 60 people, called by the collective @Gun_UK, have made a cycling march to the #Ibarbengoa|Getxo parking lot, which was opened today, June 15.
There goes the thread 👇(1/8)@Hiruka Eus
— Iker Rincon (@irincon_) June 15, 2020
The Ibarbengoa car park has 295 seats on three floors (two of them underground). Nine parking spaces are for people with reduced mobility and five others for loading and descarga.La work has cost approximately EUR 5 and a half million, covered by the Bizkaia Transport Consortium. Specifically, according to the note sent by this body, the infrastructure works have been extended for 36 months, so the time before the rural eviction of Tosué has also been recorded, since in November 2017 the members of the Tosu Betirako platform were completely evicted, i.e. about 31 months ago.
According to the Transport Consortium, "Ibarbengoa's dissuasive parking will have the best data on the relationship between the distance travelled by car and the distance travelled by public transport between the four stations of the Bizkaia Transport Consortium. In other words, from the point of departure to the point of destination, the use of the car will be a very small percentage in relation to the percentage of use of the metro".
The mobilization was video-collected by Inés Bermejo and Hodei Torres:
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