Dozens of people from the Adi HAPO platform reported at a press conference at Tosu Uribe village in Getxo that the new plan will “fully urbanize” the rural areas of the area. They also reported that in the P.G.O.U. proposed by the Government Group (PNV and PSE-EE) “several infringements” have been detected: “On the one hand, it proposes to build 1,456 homes more than the law allows, and on the other, it does not meet the minimum social housing”. They therefore announced the submission of an allegation requesting the suspension of the plan.
However, it was recalled that in this PGOU there are other issues such as the need to "modify" the green areas of the municipality, the natural spaces of the surroundings of Azkorri and Kandelu, among others. In addition, they stressed that the social housing to be built should be for social rent, “and this can be promoted without new buildings, with housing and empty lots for social rent”. Finally, they called for a “real” participatory process because “it is not acceptable that the future of our people should be decided by a few.”
They therefore announced a demonstration on 25 March.
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