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Submarine tunnel between Getxo and Sestao: The Council awards the project, criticizes EH Bildu de Getxo

  • The Provincial Council of Bizkaia has awarded a Temporary Union of Companies (UTE) consisting of three engineering companies the implementation of the project of a vehicle tunnel under the river between Getxo and Sestao, with a budget of EUR 8.9 million. EH Bildu de Getxo has been against the project: "We are going to face this destructive project."

04 June 2020 - 09:38
Imanol Pradales Azpiegitura eta Lurralde Garapeneko Foru diputatua eta Unai Remeneria Aldun Nagusia, joan den urtarrilean, proiektua aurkezten (Argazkia: Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia)

The TEU made up of the Idom, Sener and Euskontrol companies which have been awarded the infrastructure has obtained a "lower bidding price than expected", as the Member pointed out. In particular, the decrease was EUR 1.6 million. The Department of Infrastructure and Territorial Development, Imanol Pradales, explained that the tunnel construction project and its wording should be completed within 33 months. If the Member’s intention was met, the tunnel would be opened in 2028.

According to the Diputación, "in this work the indispensable technical aspects for the construction of the tunnel will be defined in detail: characteristics, detailed layout, multimodality, constructive method or connections on both sides of the river with the current high-capacity network". In order to define the project, more specific geological surveys should be carried out than have been carried out to date.

"It is clear what the priority of the PNV is"

Shortly after the Deputation announced the award, EH Bildu de Getxo has made public a criticism of the infrastructure project. As they have said, "it has become clear, in a new and old normality, that the priority of the PNV is the macro-projects, to build more roads, to promote the use of the car...". The announcement coincided, by chance, with the celebration of International Bicycle Day, and they regretted that while the undersea tunnel works continue, the bidegorri between Getxo and Bilbao "have been forgotten".

"Only EUR 8'9 million in the project, in the midst of the crisis that is coming to us," the coalition said, "while small subsidies are being approved for the self-employed and small traders, aid for cultural creators is being drawn up, at this time resources in health care need to be increased..." Finally, they added that they will face the project.

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