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Getaria vs.

  • When I was young, I had a habit of reading the title of the films and of imagining what the film meant. And there were some titles that I was particularly interested in. Kramer vs Kramer and Neverending Story were two of them (and I must confess that I have not yet seen any of them completely). In the case of the former, I didn't understand the meaning, because I found it impossible for a person or a group to rebel against themselves. The second, on the other hand, gave me a little bit of fear, believing it was a movie that I was starting to see and never ending ...

24 July 2019 - 09:27
Etxeu Nahi eguna antolatu zuten Getarian Espainiako Armadaren Elcano itsasontziaren etorrera salatzeko. Argazkia: Artzape
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

I remember these things as a result of events in the people in recent weeks. On the one hand, because it has been possible to see two Getaria (Gipuzkoa) that collide frontally with each other; and on the other, because it seemed to me that a heavy past in black and white has conquered the present, as if it were an infinite story.

Glove in black and white. The visit of the military warship Juan Sebastián Elcano was as if it were a return trip in time. Events that have not been seen in our environment for a long time, things from the past that seemed overcome, because they have been repeated: military parades, Spanish flags, helicopter vigils, special mass directed by the bishop, rise of military to the altar, closure of roads for the population, while they were open for official cars... I remember an old picture I saw once: that of the dictator's visit to the people...

It is clear that there is a need

for in-depth reflection on Elkano.
I'm very critical of Elkano, because I
put him in the same boat as a
bunch of
encoders like Colón, Cortes or

Similarly, I couldn't understand some questions. First, reading the proper declaration unanimously adopted by the City Hall, I wanted to know who organised the visit of the military boat and with what legitimacy ... How is it possible to organize an action of this kind that affected all the Getariars, being the town hall against and without consulting the people? How can we understand that in the twenty-first century military boats are invited to the people? What was his goal? Because in this case, I think it is more guilty to invite the military than to them, and put the red carpet on them ...

Some will defend themselves by saying the same thing as always: that the visitors came and left the money in the village and that in the media the name of Getaria appeared... I do not think it right to attract visitors at any price. I do not know who would really benefit, but the visit of the boat meant the presence of military and police and the tension that this generated in the people, it seems to me that those responsible should give explanations.

It is also clear that there is a need for in-depth reflection on Elkano. I'm very critical of Elkano, because I put him in the same boat as conquerors like Colón, Cortes or Pizarro. That is to say, another one that allowed oppression, expolio and assimilation, which lasts more than 500 years. But it is true that five centuries later it is very easy to look back and give lessons, because society, values, the way of seeing the world of that time were very different. Admitting this, I do not understand the recent attitude and obsession of representing Elkano as a god. People in the southern hemisphere should also be taken into account when referring to history. Elkano was a magnificent sailor, but the massacres on the grounds he ‘discovered’ cannot be justified in any way. Therefore, more than tributes, a critical review of the past is needed to fully and correctly analyze its figure. It's not fair to equate the devil, but it's also not fair to pay homage as a hero.

Multicolor getaria. Lately, fortunately, we've had news that has given me a lot of joy. They express the encouragement of a progressive people looking to the future rather than to the dark past. On the one hand, the dynamic created in the village to denounce the visit of the military boat is congratulatory. Working in such a short time has great merit. The people have responded to the demand for the situation once again. I was pleased that I was told on television that I had hardly anyone in the queue of the boat’s visitors and that, on the contrary, I saw many familiar faces in initiatives against the military and in favour of refugees.

And I don't want to forget that in the Getaria rowing world, he's made history, for the first time, when he sees a patron driving a boat of boys. I would like our country to be known for this news, rather than for the visit of the military.

I do not know who would prevail in the fight between Kramer and Kramer. However, I hope that the multicolored Getaria drawn by the majority will be imposed on the black and white Guetari that hold a few yellow. So that the black and white past does not become an endless story...

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