The Basque Competition Agency (LEA) was aware in December 2021 of the agreed price increase of the Getaria Hotel Association, and has carried out several months of investigation and inspection. They detect anti-competitive behaviour, but Getabat announces that they will correct errors. The hotel owners of the association have proposed a number of commitments, so the LEA has closed the file.
Commitments are included in the pact report as "the immediate deletion of the price lists of the hospitality establishments that were published as a result of the collective recommendation made by Getabat and, at the same time, the publication of the new prices by each hotel establishment according to the market conditions; meeting in an extraordinary assembly to inform in detail about the obligation to restore market conditions". They also claim that Getabat will not take "decisions that may be anti-competitive" again and that they will ensure that.
After the most limiting months of Pandemia, in late 2021, most Getabat Society bars and restaurants rose prices in unison, agreeing to the rise and opening a "list of price recommendations", the LEA confirmed. The citizens of Sos gathered in the initiative to denounce these young people and criticized the promotion as "disproportionate". Boycott of bars and various activities.
This is what the LEA report and the Getabat Pact say: "This increase generated concern in the municipality, which was materialized through the complaint received in the collaboration mailbox of the LEA website and the consultation carried out by a private individual in Kontsumobide".
Both to complain about rising prices and to denounce the impact of tourism, the Sos Herritarrok group was set up. From the beginning, they warn that Getaria has become a "tourist village" and that for the Getaria it is increasingly difficult to live there. From there, the members of the group have told us that they have gone from criticizing to organizing initiatives: "We give what the people do not offer to the citizens, organizing activities for the citizens, popular meals, etc." They stress that their intention is not to "harm bars", but to "promote a country in which we can all participate".
Zisjordania, Mendebaldeko Sahara, Krimea eta orain zure etxe pareko espaloia. Noiz demontre kendu behar dituzte covidaitzakian tabernek anexionatutako terraza horiek? Ba ez dago batere argi. Agindu kontraesankorrak. Behe lainoa. Etsaia identifikatzea ere kosta egiten da... [+]
Nafarroako Gobernuak auzitegietara jo du ostalaritzako ordutegia eta aforoak mugatzeko. EAEn ere Eusko Jaurlaritzak LABI batzordea bilduko du asteartean, eta Ipar Euskal Herrian Frantziako Gobernuko ministroen kontseiluak hartuko dituen erabakien zain daude.