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It begins 'Gerriya', the 18th century of San Sebastian. Feministaldia

  • Another year, from September 27 to December 2, the Feminist Culture Festival has been organized, which will offer talks, workshops and performances. In Gerriya the focus has been on this year, highlighting the importance of the revolution from transfeminism and antiracism. On Tuesday the subject of surveillance will be discussed in Kontadores.

28 November 2023 - 11:07
Transfeminismotik eta antiarrazakeriatik borrokatzeko hamaika modu lantzen ari dira 'Gerriya' lelopean Donostian. / Argazkia: Feministaldia.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

September 27 begins the 18th. The Feministaldia, in the Kontadores center of San Sebastian, has worked the gerriya in two senses, this year’s motto: Raquel Coroma has taught the dancehall workshop and the Afrofeminist Communication Guerrilla Workshop, in which the work of unconventional media has been approached from an intersectional point of view.

On September 28, they are heading for a general feminist strike, A strike is a rebellion at the round table. Starting at 18:00, four feminist rapporteurs will discuss care in Kontadores: Lore Lujanbio, Working Women Homeless, Elene Lopetegi and Tania Siriany. Continuing with the reflections raised by the Feminist Movement of the Basque Country, we will discuss the possibilities and obstacles that the public and community care system can have.

The program continues on afternoon 29 in Kontadores, from 18:00 hours and in addition to offering talks and performances, cocktails will be prepared for the attendees between 20:30 and 22:00. On 1 and 2 December they will continue in Tabakalera.

Activist, transfeminist and antiracist guests

The Feminist will be attended by almost 40 guests from different places, artists, dancers, thinkers and activists selected by the organizers to materialize the motto Gerriya: "We like the guests to use Feministaldia as a space for experimentation," they recalled. Conferences and round tables will be given by people fighting for transfeminism and anti-racism, but they have also given importance to artistic manifestations and creation.

On Saturday there will be a broad programme that will be extended throughout the night at the party organized in Dabadaba – it must be noted – in which issues such as language, literature, music, body, identity will be dealt with throughout the week, and countless ways of making riots will be shared.

The Feministaldia was created in 2005 and has been organized for the eighteenth time, among other reasons: "Because we seriously believe that a transfeminist look at contemporary art and culture can pierce cultural policies and the system of oppression and imbalance."

The full program and more detailed information are available on the Feministaldia website. The organization reports the possibility of continuing some online sessions.

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