Agriculture has given us enough food, the peace of mind that the children of the family have a future, the growth of the brain that means a constant food of quality every meal and, from the side, the time. The one who works with plants constantly earns time. Prepare the land, sow, care, harvest, care, etc. They take time and give time to the farmer: you have to lean on the life of the plant. Time is another measure when it comes to land. The biggest luxury today. Without you. That time is the mother of all our cultures. Good food and time are the ingredients of all that culture is: language and everything else: coexistence, philosophy, respect, music, understanding, architecture, literature -- all that we eat as people. Our culture owes everything to land and to cultivators. Without that Earth work, we would be mere hunters and gatherers, without time or culture. Like us, all other cultures, all.
In the Mediterranean area, another climate has been completed and developed, other lands, cultures very different from ours. Our hazelnuts in the Mediterranean are three: the vine (Vitis vinifera), wheat (Triticum aestivum) and crops and olive (Olea europaea). The vine requires laborious and peculiar work. Large plantations of crops and a long chain of work that repeats each year. The olive tree is the easiest and its benefit is gold. It can live thousands of years and teaches the chain of peasant culture as few plants.
Agriculture came to us across the Mediterranean from the Middle East. By implanting and locating its culture and knowledge in our land, it developed and flourished in another knowledge. We are flourishing. To Earth, but to them we also owe what we are. Those who do not allow the land to be cultivated and cut through the back the most important indicators of its character: the Palestinians. Everything is being cut in its roots and without vines, without crops and, above all, without millenary olive trees, without culture. When an olive tree is tried and killed, they kill it themselves. It's the hunger war.
The war of the future is to eliminate food of quality and time to be Zarena. If hunger persists without time, there is nothing else for nothing, you have to seek food for your sons and daughters and not have a person dressed. Hunger causes poverty, you can't eat without eating. You can't.
Always remember that you eat something: everything we eat we owe to them. The Mediterranean was a bridge that brought us agriculture, a “soft sea pont” that sings Lluis Llach, a blue sea bridge. That bridge is still there, and why is it going?
At least we will learn! The hunger wars are spreading: they buy endless land, steal and patent seeds, produce chemical fertilizers and killer pesticides and medicines to treat common diseases. We all live in that chain. Hunger is impoverishing us. The one who comes to spreading junk food will be a generation with less intelligence throughout history. And what future do our farmers have? An icon of endless courage, our peasants are Palestinians. We are all Palestinians. And what's happening to us here and there is not barbarism, it's a civilization. Case of hunger.
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