The movement has denounced that 37 years after rejecting NATO they will not respect or respect the word of the Basques. “This little and through Spain and France has brought us into a new war in the heart of Europe,” Ehun regrets.
Faced with this situation, he said that “the most sensible option is the Basque republic: “to leave NATO, to maintain relations of respect with everyone and, ultimately, to have dignified lives”.
“We do not expect anything from Spain and France, so in this case we are also clear that we must act unilaterally,” the collective adds. “On that road, we have begun to expropriate on behalf of the Basque republic the lands of the Bardenas military polygon to send NATO assassins from our country.”
On Saturday we entered the Bardenas shooting range and began to rebuild on behalf of the Basque republic. Here the video and below the reading.#NATOEz #GerrarikNo #EuskalRepublic
— Ehun #Basque Republic (@ehunduz) March 6, 2023
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