In 2014, the Spanish Government denied official recognition to a number of victims of state terrorism, and it was then new to refuse compensation under the Victims of Terrorism Act. He made Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights an excuse. According to this article, compensation for victims may be reduced or denied if the victim is penalized for "organised crime or for being in an institution of violent acts", but those who have applied for recognition of the victim of State terrorism have not been convicted of these crimes. The decision of the Ministry of the Interior was based on police reports and press articles, not on court decisions.
The families of the victims therefore went to the European Court of Human Rights. The court denied the petitions of the families, which forced the families to pay the costs of the court.
According to the Egia Zor group, the convictions began to arrive in 2019, with a total of 106,000 euros. Those who have paid less have paid EUR 1,000 and other families have paid almost EUR 19,000. According to the Foundation, behind all this there is a clear political will to generate more pain and prejudice, and it proposes the following reflection: "It is inevitable to ask whether the criteria of state advocacy would be the same if the source of violence were different."
Concerning the cost penalties imposed by the terrorist State on relatives of deceased persons:
— Fundación Egia Zor (@CaixabankZor) May 6, 2022
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