Bruno Perón. Network Member Aman Komunak
They tend to be over 60 people. Tomorrow they will conduct a popular camp in the hull of Larhun, and as every three months, the members of the Aman Komunak network will meet around the debate table on Sunday. Among them will be Bruno Peron (1963, Suresnes, France).
Why did you enter the Aman Komunak network?
In the BBG of Notre-Dames-des-Landes [space to protect] we gathered together people who went from Euskal Herria to support us. Each one went by his side, we didn't know each other and in a great demonstration we saw a great ikurrina; they were from my people, from Baigorri, but we only knew each other from the eye. There I met them, it became pretty strange to us. We met other groups in the Basque Country. There, we commented that it would be interesting to create a network between the groups that fight on different topics. So Aman Komunak was born, and I followed it naturally.
How did you know you at the BBG and not here?
That was our question. Probably due to lack of communication and visibility. The people of the occupied district of Errekaleor of Vitoria-Gasteiz did not know that there was a struggle here for the gold mines or the road that the tourist development of Larhun is taking; the people here did not know that neighborhood, did not know about the fight against the incinerator… Why? Probably due to lack of communication. Our goal is to establish relationships between these groups.
You say it's a network, but what brings you together?
The fact that they meet at Notre-Dame-des-Landes says something: their struggle goes beyond the airport, it is a fight against capitalist development. We all know that on its way it's like a futon that crushes everything. That is the basis of the struggle. On the other hand, it's also the idea of self-management, of the organization within ourselves. Can't we, as people, organize another life in a corner? The search for autonomy, the need to have more and more self-management was evident in the BBG, but the same in Errekaleor, in Ziordia… On the other hand, language, the Basque language, is a link. I'm learning, but it's in the priorities and we make that strength.
Has a film network been created since the creation of Aman Komunak?
Yes, in the quarterly assemblies there are 20 to 30 collectives from the seven countries of the Basque Country. Since we are not in the traditional political groups — let us say — we have a spontaneous, atypical aspect, the talks are not as usual, everyone is involved, a lot is happening. It's just been born, but we're moving very well.
Do you have lines of work?
First, continue collecting the collectives, developing the network and collaborating in the struggles. Today has been fast in the last 12 or 18 months, starting with Notre-Dames-des-Landes, now in Larhun… It is not our calling but lately we have been fighting for the present. On the other hand, we also share techniques of self-management, etc…
Your assemblies are held in areas of conflict.
Be combatants or occupied. These conferences usually take place throughout the weekend, most of the time we make an increase on Saturdays depending on the needs of the place. On Saturday night we held a party and on Sunday we met around the table to comment on what we want to do.
Tomorrow and past you will be in Larhun. Why is it there?
For various reasons. It will be the first time we meet in Ipar Euskal Herria and here we have no occupied spaces to join. We were looking for a proper space, and if at the same time it was that Larhun struggle, we participated in a demonstration with Larrun Ez Hunki and the railroad workers. We will make a popular camp on the mountain and among all of us will reflect on this project, they will be rapporteurs… and the next day we will make our general assembly.
We are told on all sides that there is excessive growth, climate, ecological crisis… it is increasingly necessary to find a different attitude and a different life on a global level… Is it necessary to set millions to make a playground in Larhun? On this beach there are days that I do not know how many days with the red flag due to pollution… It is essential to reduce growth. We have found for decades a little care of the Basque coast, you cannot propose such a project without taking into account that there are many people who oppose it. In Larhun we all see it from a young age, we all have in common, the people of Azkaine or Sara are in sight, but also the others.
What objectives do you have for the future?
We do not now know where the next meeting will be held within three months, and that will be resolved at the weekend. Between the two we will mobilize more collectives to join us; it is amazing the small struggle there is in Euskal Herria. I think it is the same in France, Spain or Europe: if we find all those thoughts talking unanimously … That is not the case, but we are in it.
Would a political line be needed to speak unanimously? You pick up different trends…
If there are different tendencies but what unites us is that we do not position ourselves in the political parties; we are more in action, trying to develop self-management, trying to develop another way of life… More and more people dream of new ways of life and it is important that all these people come together.
You're in Angelu because you fix the house pools. If your work and Aman Komunak is still a contrast.
I haven't gotten out of the system yet, I'm still working. I'm an autonomous thing because I speak on my own. We try to go to something, but nobody says we're completely out of the system. Among us, some do not work by choosing, others without wanting, among others there is everything in the trades... In any case, even if you work, you put your nose into the mill of capitalism. I'm adapting my life, but we're not a cult, rejected from the others [laughter]. The swimming pool is obvious, but how many works are there here related to tourism? Everyone understands that we have to change the way we live. Everyone has to make their own transition path and being in Aman Wue helps to see, learn, know and share other ways of life.
This interview was posted by Ipar Euska Herriko Hitza and we brought it with the Creative Commons license.
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