But without losing sight of the geography of the United States, immersed in deep thoughts about Pennsylvania's apprentices, or after ten days of making unnecessary cabals for the most apparent Republican presidential theme in 2024, we realize that Chuck Grassley remains a senator. And so analysts like Michael Schafer, not surprised, but they do have to be sick.
Grassley has been without interruption for forty years in the Senate, from Iowa. And he wasn't a kid when he was first elected in 1981. Because next September will be 90 years. In full health, say. And clearly winning the election. On this occasion, something closer than in the previous ones: The 12-point difference is “only” for Frank Democrat.
The curious thing is that the case of Grassley is not particularly extraordinary. In U.S. politics, especially at the high echelons of Washington, the growing Gerontokocracy generated nightmares long ago. After the years, the long McConell, Pelosi, Biden, etc. It is still there, so the conclusion is essential.
The fact that Trump took the first step to be a candidate for 2024, while raising the issue of fire for the most perverse confrontation among Republicans, will almost certainly attract a thoughtful response from Biden, who will also decide to be a candidate. And if there is nothing better, the party will have to say amen. So, along with boredom, you're sure to elect the oldest president in history within two years in the United States. And those who were already worried will have more reason to disturb.
And it's not a question of gerontophobia. Comparisons with the Politburo of the Brezneve times can be increasingly painful. And he died at the age of 75, with 74 from Chernén and with Andropov 69.
Zutabe hau idazten nengoela, gaia aldatu behar izan dut, nire arreta osoa harrapatu dutelako Trumpen muga-zergek. Azalpen gutxi beharko duzue, leku guztietan da berria, Txinako produktuei %10eko zerga eta Kanadako eta Mexikoko produktuei %25eko muga-zergak jarri dizkie. Trumpek... [+]
Greenland, the end of the 10th century. The first Scandinavian explorers and settlers arrived on the island. But by the 15th century these settlements had been abandoned and the original Inuit remained. But in 1721, the missionary Hans Egede organized an expedition and the... [+]