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Unai Hualde de Geroa Bai, elected President of the Parliament of Navarra and EH Bildu enters the Bureau

  • The PSN and Geroa Bai have been negotiating until the last minute. Finally, the PSN voted in favour of it and Hualde has emerged as President of the Lower House. EH Bildu has also managed to get into the table. Thus, the first four forces, Navarre Suma, PSN, Geroa Bai and EH Bildu, are represented at the Bureau.

19 June 2019 - 12:12
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Hualde has received the votes of PSN, Geroa Bai, EH Bildu, Podemos and Left-Ezkerra, that is, 30 in favour, and the Navarre Sum the 20 against. Thus, Hualde has obtained the votes of the four parties that have so far participated in the negotiations for the investiture of María Chivite as President of the Government of Navarra. The two vice-presidents will be Inma Jurio (PSN) and Yolanda Ibáñez (UPN). The first secretary will be Juan Luis Sánchez de Muniain, from UPN, and the second will be Maiorga Ramírez, from EH Bildu. Unai Hualde President of the PNV's Napar Buru Batzar since January 2016.


On Saturday, after the attitude of the PSN in favor of Navarra Suma in the formation of municipal governments, it seemed that the PSN negotiations to form a new foral executive with some forces of the quadripartite had no future. But with this Wednesday, you imagine that the negotiation of the four parties can still give something more.


In the first vote of the Presidency of Parliament, an absolute majority is needed and no one has succeeded. The candidate of Navarra Suma, Iñaki Uriarte, received his 20 votes, that of Unai Hualde the 16 of Geroa Bai and EH Bildu, and Inma Jurio the 11 of the PSN. We can and Left-Ezkerra (I-E) have voted blank and have not supported Hualde. If there was no agreement, they were told that they would do so in the first round.


In addition, the bureau shall consult the legal services of the chamber on the possibility of extending the bureau from five to seven members. If there is no problem, and if so, a representative of Podemos and one of the SNP would come to the table.


Anger of the Right Navarre


The Navarre right has already shown its discomfort with the composition of the Bureau of the Parliament of Navarre. On the one hand, because the PSN "has given the presidency" to Geroa Bai and, on the other, because it has not prevented EH Bildu from entering the table. The title of Diario de Navarra is quite significant: "The PSN investigated Unai Hualde and did not stop EH Bildu from going to the table," he added. The Navarre MP, Ana Beltrán, said that "this morning the betrayal of the PSN to Navarra and Spain".


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