"There are more and more young people with pathological gambling," says Euskalerria Irratia Saioa Ieregi, a psychologist at Aralar. Today is Spain's Lottery Day [December 22]. It is a socially rooted and accepted game and for many a difficult day: for paedopasts. Governments have some limitations on gambling that often fall short. Minors cannot bet on law but Ieregi believes it is difficult to control it in some areas: "Gaming machines in bars are inspected only by the server." Wagering houses are many in the streets of the neighborhoods and urban centers, as well as play areas. "People start wagering with little money. But less to more, without noticing," he said.
Prevention can also be an effective way to fight pathological gambling: "Special programs could have been worked in the centers to draw attention to adolescents," he says. The game is very attractive to anyone: "All areas related to the game are positive. They only show us the advantages. With today (December 22) everything is laughter and joy around the Spanish Lottery. No one warns that there may be danger," he explains.
Listen to the full meeting in Euskalerria Irratia with Saioa Ieregi by clicking on the image below.
Adin txikikoentzat jokoan aritzea debekatuta dago, baina, hala ere, Nafarroan 14 eta 18 urte artekoen artean %32 aritzen da jokoan. Ludopatiaren prebentzioan eta laguntzan aritzen da Aralar Elkartea 1996tik. Nafarroako Gobernuak prest duen Jokoaren Foru Legea "hutsune"... [+]
Indarrean sartu da Eusko Jaurlaritzak eginiko jokoaren lege berria EAEn. Aurrerantzean, apustu etxeek ikastetxeetatik gutxienez 150 metrora egon beharko dute, eta bi joko aretoren artean 500 metroko distantzia errespetatu beharko dute.