Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The Lekuek Festival of Gernika will be held in March 2020 for the seventh time, following a special philosophy

  • The Lekuek festival in Gernika will be held between 7 and 14 March 2020. This Friday the poster of the 7th edition of the festival, which starts this Friday, has been made public.

20 December 2019 - 11:03
Rosa van Wyk artistak egin du aurtengo Lekuek festibalaren kartela.

Sua, Ash Grunwald, Lisabö, Orreaga 778, Wormed and Gaizka Insunza will be the poster heads of the 2020 edition of the Lekuek festival. In addition to the concerts, the organization has announced that there will also be DJs, workshops, exhibitions, conferences, a record fair, a film club and screenings.

According to the organizers, the festival is organised thanks to the work of volunteers and the union of several meeting points of Gernika-Lumo: Astra, Iparragirre Rock Elkartea and Trinkete Antitxokoa are the “main axes and drivers” of the project.

As a result of this collaboration, Lekue will reach its seventh edition next year. As announced this Friday, the festival bonds are already on sale at a price of 25 euros. They can be purchased in the Astra, Aterpe, Ospa and Zaplast bars.

Every year, an artist from the region makes the poster of Lekue and this year the author of the image has been Rosa van Wyk. The cartel heads and the number of heads that will look at Gernika in March will be announced soon. To access the full festival program, updated information is available in

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Hibernazio pandemikotik esnatzeko, Gernikako Lekuek jaialdia

Martxoaren 12tik 19ra bitartean, Gernika-Lumoko kaleak hartuko ditu Lekuek jaialdiak. Azken bi urteetako gorabeheren ondoren, desberdina denaren ikusgarritasuna aldarrikatu dute antolatzaileek.

What will be heard this year at the Lekuek festival in Gernika?
The Lekue Festival of Gernika has announced the musicians who will play this year’s edition. The festival that is held in the Basque town will be held between 9 and 16 March, and will bring together artists from Euskal Herria and abroad.

2018-02-27 | Zebrabidea
Gernikako Lekuek Festibala: “Irekia, horizontala eta merkatuaren logika nagusietatik kanpo”

Lekuek festibala ospatuko da martxoaren 3tik 11ra, Gernikako hainbat espaziotan. Bosgarren edizioa da aurtengoa, eta antolatzaileen hitzetan “eklektikoa, irekia, horizontala eta merkatuaren logika nagusietatik kanpo dagoen” festibala da.

Martxoaren 11n hasiko da Gernikako Lekuek festibalaren laugarren edizioa

Gernika-Lumo musikaz beteko da martxoaren 11tik 19ra. Hainbat estilotako 28 musika taldek hartuko dute parte festibalean, “herri osoa musikaren bueltan jartzeko”.

Gernikako Lekuek: musika festibala eta gehiago

Badator bigarren edizioa, lehenbizikoaren harrera onak hauspoturik. Musika zaleen festibala da Lekuek, herri osoa musikaren bueltan jarri nahi dutenek antolatua.

Eguneraketa berriak daude