The political prisoner who has been in prison for years in Europe will be released on 6 December, as long as he leaves the French State. However, the French anti-terrorist prosecutor’s office, in a statement, has announced that it will file an appeal against the release order, as reported by the French newspaper RFI, among others medios.Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, 73, has never taken over the attacks they
are accused of, but has never neglected his anti-imperialist political ideas. Although he could be on probation since 1999, this possibility has been systematically rejected. Having examined the request for the eleventh time, they have announced that they will be released on 15 November.
Abdallah was arrested in 1984 and sentenced to life imprisonment in 1987 for participating in the killings of US military attaché Charles Ray and Israeli diplomat Yakov Barsimentov in Paris in 1982, as well as for attempting to assassinate the Consul of EE.Las Lebanese Armed Factions claimed the authorship of the two killings on the grounds that in
1975 the Lebanese southern part of the Israeli civil war.
A month ago, ARGIA published a comprehensive report on Georges Abdallah and an interview with his lawyer, Jean-Louis Chalanset, with Jenofa Berhokoirigoin. It explains Abdallah's trajectory. It is a political position and 40 years of judicial process until it becomes the political prisoner who has been imprisoned for the longest time in Europe.
49 urte preso pasa ondoren, libre utzi dute Leonard Peltier AEBetako ekintzaile autoktonoa. Otsailaren 18 honetan heldu da bere senide eta lagunen artera 80 urte dituen preso-ohia.
Banku atrakatzailea, presoa, Trantsizio garaian espetxetan borroka historikoa piztu zuen COPEL taldeko sortzailea, euskal talde armatuetako kideen laguna, ostalaria, militantea, libertarioa, ortuzaina. Gauza asko izan da eta da oraindik ere Daniel Pont. Abenduan Girona utzi eta... [+]
For the past six years, teachers and teachers working in Euskaltegis, we have participated in a beautiful adventure. As we said in the last Korrika with thousands of Basque citizens, proud and popular.
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OIP Presondegien Nazioarteko Behatokiak 2023 urteko bilana aurkeztu du. Abenduaren lehenetik atxilotu dituzten 75.000 pertsonetatik, 50.000 inguru %148,5eko okupazio tasa duten presondegietan dira, eta 2.748 lurrean ezarritako matalazetan lo egiten dute.
One of the media debates was the presence in the campaign of the municipal elections in Hego Euskal Herria of ex-inmates with blood crimes on various lists and the subsequent regression of these friends.
Perhaps with this movement EH Bildu won several votes, and in a broader... [+]