Chauvin will be able to reduce that bond to $1 million if he meets the requirements of law enforcement commitment, appear before the courts, not work in the security forces, and renounce permission to use weapons. In addition, he will not be able to leave the State of Minnesota or communicate with the George Floyd family.
Police Derek Chauvin is in Oak Park Heighs prison, charged with murdering George Floyd in second grade. Judge Jeannice Reding takes the case and on 9 June Chauvin appeared telematically before the judge, who decided to suspend. His lawyer, Eric Nelson, has not spoken before this bond.
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has filed charges against three other policemen: Tou Thao, J. Alexander Kueng and Thomas Lane. These policemen were at the time of Floyd's arrest, and are charged with a crime of incitement and cooperation to second-degree murder.
They have agreed to hold a hearing on 29 June.
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