Thursday was not a normal basketball game. The genocide that Israel is carrying out every day in Palestine has been very present because it was one of the most well-known ambassadors of the Zionist entity at the international level: Maccabi from Tel Aviv. Although the lands occupied by Israel are in Asia, the teams of the Zionist entity play the Euroleague.
Hundreds of people have taken this opportunity to denounce in the Buesa Arena that, through sport, apartheid and the Israeli genocide will not be so easily justified in Vitoria. It is a long-standing initiative. The Maccabi group in Tel Aviv has come to Vitoria on several occasions with denunciation initiatives, but on Thursday, because of the seriousness of the situation, it has been particularly strong.
The Indar Baskonia group and the Alavesa Boikot initiative called to sing five minutes late those who were going to Buesa Arena. The grade of Indar Baskonia was completely empty at the start of the match and, as agreed, the fans were late in the hands of the Palestinian flags when the first quarter was to end. Israeli players as long as they have approached the basket have dominated Palestinian flags and Palestinian Txistus.
"Traits Home, Now" Maccabi players appear T-shirts dresses with the English cry to the court, it is a petition to free the Israelis that Sixteen has been kidnapped in Gaza.
Prior to the party, the Indar Baskonia initiative and the Israeli Boycott of Álava, Divinities and Sanctions have organised a walkway explaining how to act in the party and distributing the Palestinian flags. The spokesman for Araba’s BDS, following the handrail, said Hala Bedi: "We want to demonstrate, like every year, that Maccabi is yet another tool to whitewash the face of Israeli apartheid, and that in our city such a team is not welcome. They want to show us that Israel is a normal state and it's not."
The presence of the Ertzaintza in the Buesa Arena and the hotel where Israeli players are staying has been important. Before the party there were doubts as to how the Ertzaintza would act in the face of the call to show the Palestinian flags. In fact, the fact that in October several Ertzainas had removed the Palestinian symbol from an amateur in the Eibar football field was a dangerous precedent and blamed by a rock in favor of the sionistas.Sin but on Thursday the Ertzaintza said that "control of accesses depends on the private security of the Baskonia", stated that the Vitorian team was going to make a normal departure. And so the fans have been able to display the Palestinian flags normally, as on other occasions.
Maccabi lost 82-92 against Baskonia, but on Thursday the Zionist team lost more than one match in Vitoria.
The world has also done so, because it is a symbol, because in history more genocides have already been done and will be done (bad luck, hear, it has touched you to be born there), but Palestine has special characteristics:
Palestinarekin Elkartasunak "sionistekin harreman oro etetera" deitu du. Kanpaina bat jarri dute abian Euskal Herriak Israelgo estatu terroristaren bizirautea bermatzen duten harreman militar, diplomatiko eta kulturalak seinalatu eta hauen etetea exijitzeko. Pasa den... [+]
It has been a year since the Palestinian resistance lifted its head and began the most brutal offensive Israel has committed to date. Unfortunately, the situation has worsened, as Israel has increased its offensive beyond the Palestinian lands, with new attacks on Lebanon,... [+]