On Thursday morning they wanted to evict the mother and her youngest daughter and the housing network Etxean bizi called the citizenship at 11:30 in the morning to a portal of 11 of Extremadura Street to "resist".
On Thursday morning, they wanted to evict the mother and her youngest daughter, and the neighborhood’s Bizi housing network called on citizens to demonstrate at 11:30 on Portal 11 of Extremadura Street to “resist”.
From the scene, members of the housing network have explained to ARGIA that activists have placed themselves in the lobby for resistance, while the Municipal Police and the Ertzaintza have cut the street and closed the portal area with tape. The Ertzaintza has tried to evict the neighbors who were on the portal and, in the face of the "no", they have launched with their pores, "very strong". The police have managed to get the young people out of the portal and out of the closed area with tape, but the activists have broken the tape and rekindled the moments of pendency.
So the call has come from the courthouse. They report that the staff of the court will not go to the concentration and that the judge has postponed the eviction. In the neighborhood, from Bizi they have expressed their “satisfaction” for the fact that today it has been possible to prevent eviction.
Injured and identified
Several people have been injured by the police in the course of the aggression. In addition, he has identified two people, one of them a member of the housing network of Vitoria-Gasteiz and the other, a journalist from the Alavesa town of Alea.
Working but unable to pay the mortgage
The woman who wanted to be evicted has been living in this house for seventeen years. He is employed, but cannot cope with the mortgage and Laboral Kutxa started the eviction procedure. “Your property or our lives, there is no medium term,” have claimed from Bizi in the Neighborhood.
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