More Gara aims to "the death of children and death with children, to live naturally and humanely, and to show and transform the silence and disability that occurs in most environments."
In the presentation they have made this manifesto public, highlighting: "The great pain that occurs when children die is added to the pain that often produces social silence and the lack of capacity to act naturally. The manifest is read in full here:
"They're invisible but they exist. Those that existed and those that in us constantly show us and strengthen love. Our children died, they left us, but thanks to them More Gara. This is our name and being.
The great pain that occurs when children die is added to the pain that often produces social silence and a lack of ability to act naturally.
We want to overcome this remaining pain through the Gehiago Gara initiative, promoting attitudes so that each agent can live the death of children in their area and death with children, naturally and humanely:
In education, in the extension of the pedagogy of death and mourning, in health, in the development of palliative care of children and of the appropriate actions in these situations, in different municipalities, associations and institutions, in the extension of the ways of acting with naturalness and humanity in their actions when the death of children occurs ... and in any other action that contributes to overcome silence and disability.
Because there are ways that can make the way easier. And because, as always, we hope that doing little things can achieve great things.
At the beginning of the initiative we want to recognize the associations and entities that have acted with the Gehiago Gara attitude.
And we're sure we're more.
That is why we invite you all who have taken the position of More Gara, to share your experiences on this issue and learn together.
Because we're more than silence and helplessness, and we're going to have more with you."
Looking ahead, they want to expand the Gehiago Gara initiative in the pediatric departments of primary health care centers and hospitals.
The initiative arises when parents who have lost their children approach the Hil Argi association and say that "the death of children in our society is an even greater taboo." These parents perceived the silence and inability to work on the issue in many areas, and believed that "overcoming this and believing that child deaths can live in a more natural and humanized way," Gehiago created.
To shape the initiative, the Bizipoza Association met with the Hil Argi Association. We are more, according to the members of the initiative, "because the Bizipoza Association aims to increase the strength and joy of children, even in the most difficult times of children". Subsequently, associations working on the death of children joined the initiative: Esku Hutsa Association, Death with Children, Bidegin Association and Goizargi Association.
We are more have distributed recognition to the following associations and institutions that "work hard for the death of children, for naturalness and humanity":
- Antzuola Public School for having worked for years the pedagogy of grief and death. Nahikari Barrio and Silvia Ezpeleta have received recognition from Maddi Beltza, representative of the Goizargi Association.
- Pediatric Palliative Care Unit of Cruces Hospital, for caring for the death of children with tenderness and humanity. The pediatrician and the head of the unit, Jesús Sánchez, has received recognition on behalf of the group. Amaia Madariaga of the Hil Argi Association gives him recognition.
- Working group on mourning at the birth of the OSI Bilbao-Basurto, for the formation of a team of professionals from different areas and for the care and elaboration of the guide to grief in matters of birth. Ana Aguirre and Lorea García have received recognition on behalf of the group. They have received recognition from Eider Otxoa, from the Esku Hutsa Association.
- Pirritx Porrotx and Marimotots, for their attention and care about the illness and death of children, and for working with children the theme of death with the show The mother's nuts. Joxe Mari Agirretxe “Porrotx” and Mertxe Rodriguez “Marimotots” have received recognition. Begoña Berroeta of the Bidegin Association gives them recognition.
- Municipality of Oiartzun for taking into account children who have died at the Atsolorra festival before birth or at birth. Iosu Cousilla has received recognition on behalf of the City Hall. It has been recognized by Oihane Arriaran of the Hil Argi Association.
- Tolosa Children's Library for offering the most comprehensive collection on death. Susana Larrea, on behalf of the library, has received recognition from Naroa Martínez of Hil Haurrekin.
- Faculty of Education and Sport of Vitoria-Gasteiz, through Professor Txabi Arnal, for making the children's literature on death known to future teachers. The Bizipoza Association has been recognized by Leire Elizegi.
Soco Lizarraga mediku eta Nafarroako Duintasunez Hiltzeko Eskubidea elkarteko kidearen ustez bizi testamentuak heriotza duin bat eskaini eta familiari gauzak errazten dizkio.
Gertakariak igande egunsentian suertatu dira 5:00ak aldera Gasteizeko Mitika diskotekan. Hildako pertsona 31 urteko gizon bat da, eta lurraren kontra buruarekin hartutako kolpe baten ondorioz hil da, antza atezainak kolpe bat eman ostean.
These were my last words when we left, held hand in your deep breathing sleep. Your heart stayed forever without a special, simple, dignified pain. As you want and demand. How we want and respect.
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