The Basque Youth Observatory under the Basque Government, which operates in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, reported in November that the average monthly salary of a young employee aged between 18 and 34 years was €1,566 in 2023. This data surpassed the symbolic barrier of 1,500 for the first time. However, the report notes that the difference from 2010 is only EUR 142. In fact, the average wage decreased between 2010 and 2017 – the lowest figure was recorded in the last year: EUR 1,302 – and the 2010 figure was not exceeded until 2022.
Meanwhile, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of those years, according to estimates by the National Institute of Statistics, rose to 31.5%. This means that there is a great loss of purchasing power among young workers, even if there is an increase in wages.
Worse situation for children under 29
Another report from the same source points out that the situation is even more worrying for workers under 29. 22% of the young people of these working ages claim to have received less than EUR 1,000 in the month preceding the survey, and 27%, between EUR 1,001 and EUR 1,500 respectively.
The difference is evident between those under 25 and those under 25 to 29 years of age. In fact, among those under 25, 34% of the people who charge less than EUR 1,000 in the last year. By contrast, between 25 and 29 years, those who earn less than EUR 1,000 net in one month are 15%.
There are also differences between men and women: regardless of age, men charge more money.
There is one exception: Among young people between the ages of 16 and 29, in proportion, more women than men are charged more than EUR 2,000. But after the age of 30, it's more men than women.
Loss of purchasing power at all ages
It's not just about young people. Those over 34 have also lost their purchasing power, but not at the same level of gravity as young people.
As for the employed population employed in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, the average wage in 2010 stood at EUR 2,216. In 2023, the price is €2,692. Thus, the increase that has occurred has been 21% – among the employed population under 34 years of age, the increase has been 10%.
Although the increase in consumer prices in the Spanish State has been 31.5% in the last thirteen years, there is another inflation data from the National Institute of Statistics, which has skyrocketed in the last four years. Although 2024 closed with a 2.8% rise, cumulative inflation has risen to 20% since 2020.
According to the calculations of the Datadicto account, which discloses economic data on the network, in 2002 the salary was 1,000 euros, which would take into account the accumulated inflation of 1,609 euros in 2024.
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