"In terms of housing, leasing is encouraged, reinforcing tax incentives to increase the supply of affordable rent", the three foreign Finance Deputies (Alavesa Itziar Gonzalo, Vizcain Itxaso Berrojalbiz and Guipuzcoana Itziar Agirre) assured in two hearings at the respective general meetings. Regarding the tax reform agreed between the PNV and the PSE-EE, the deputies explained that "there is a desire to continue to make progress in the redistributive nature of the tax system and, therefore, in the progressivity of the system", as well as to maintain "the commitment to innovation and the competitiveness of the Basque economic and social fabric", addressing challenges such as demographics, green taxation, gender equality, and the protection of young taxpayers.
Deductions for payment of rent up to EUR 2,800
The Members have paid particular attention to housing. Among the measures referred to in this section are: young people under the age of 36 living on rent, single-parent families, persons with disabilities over 65% and victims of gender violence will have a deduction of 35%, which will be able to recover between EUR 2,800 per year in the income statement.
"In order to promote the emancipation of young people, access to regular housing is facilitated," the deputies explained, extending the period for purchasing accounts from six to ten. Likewise, during the first year the maximum investment limit for the purchase of housing of 8,500 euros disappears and the loans received through a family member will not be taxed, in addition to increasing the age limit for receiving deductions for rent or purchase of habitual housing, from 30 to 36 years. Taxpayers with annual incomes of more than EUR 85,000 shall not receive the deduction. At present, all taxpayers can benefit from deductions without an income limit.
On the other hand, taxpayers who receive annual incomes of less than 19,000 euros will be exempt from making the income tax return. "Above the inter-professional minimum wage, which was EUR 15,876 in 2024," the foreign deputies highlighted in a statement.
Effective equality
"The agreement includes tax initiatives that promote real and effective equality that improve conciliation and ensure a fair balance between professional and family responsibilities," the foreign ministers explained in a statement. "There is a commitment to positive discrimination against women, increasing certain deductions and reductions, in order to promote women's participation in the Basque business and economic fabric," they added. "An example of this is that IRPF sets a 15% reduction for female entrepreneurs (from 10% to 15%)."
On the other hand, with the objective of "giving visibility" to the coexistence units, "innovations have been introduced in the configuration of the family unit". These are new deductions for individuals and families. Thus, for example, the deduction for returning to work for care of children under 3 years of age (leave or reduction in working hours) is increased. The prize is provided with EUR 1,200 for women and EUR 1,500 for men.
Eh Bildu: "It's not a tax reform, it's a fiscal bottleneck."
"What has been presented to us is not a tax reform, it is a fiscal wardrobe; this time requires a profound reform," said EH Bildu parliamentary spokesman Nerea Kortajarena, in an interview in Bizkaia Irratia. "There is not a single document that can be used to do such work," he added. There has been no meeting. This requires a deeper approach, especially considering that in Gipuzkoa and Álava the PNV-PSE has no majority". Regarding budgetary negotiation, Kortajarena said that "we must make the leap" and "make structural changes in public policies in response to citizenship". In his words, progress must be made in housing policy and in the minimum wage itself, as well as in energy monitoring and transition policies. "The Basque Government has a sufficient majority to push the budgets forward, but if they want the support of EH Bildu, the Basque Government has to work," he said.
In Euskadi Irratia, for their part, have interviewed the CAV lehendakari, Imanol Pradales, on various topics. "What I want is for EH Bildu's position in Navarre in the budget negotiations to be seen in the CAV," he said. "The country's challenges require opposition parties to bring their contributions to the budgets," he added, although he insisted that the Basque Government does not need opposition parties to approve next year's budgets. On tax reform, he said that the agreement reached between the PNV and the PSE-EE has "very positive measures", so "it will be difficult to say no" to these reforms. Because, unlike Bizkaia, in Gipuzkoa and in Araba, they need the support of the opposition to approve the reform: "No to the facilities to buy housing for young people, no to the incentives for the energy transition, no to the business deductions, no to the conciliation... they will not be so easy to justify the no".
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