Today we have spoken in Hizpia with Idoia Axte, a psychologist of the Association of Rehabilitation Players of Álava.
We have referred to the factors that identify the dependence and its consequences, especially those that occur in the person who suffers it and in their closest environment. Idoia has explained the characteristics of gambling and the peculiarities that make it “attractive” and has analyzed the different ways of dealing with the dependence they generate.
He has been concerned about the change in the profile of dependents, as more and more young people come to the association.
Adin txikikoentzat jokoan aritzea debekatuta dago, baina, hala ere, Nafarroan 14 eta 18 urte artekoen artean %32 aritzen da jokoan. Ludopatiaren prebentzioan eta laguntzan aritzen da Aralar Elkartea 1996tik. Nafarroako Gobernuak prest duen Jokoaren Foru Legea "hutsune"... [+]
Indarrean sartu da Eusko Jaurlaritzak eginiko jokoaren lege berria EAEn. Aurrerantzean, apustu etxeek ikastetxeetatik gutxienez 150 metrora egon beharko dute, eta bi joko aretoren artean 500 metroko distantzia errespetatu beharko dute.