The article published by Jaione Dagdrømmer in the journal Gaztezulo has placed us in the trail of the news. As it says, the days marked – and individual holidays – will only be able to play one hour, and necessarily between 20:00 and 21:00. To date, young people could play 1.5 hours on class days and 3 hours a day on vacation.
Faced with these new measures, manufacturers will be prohibited from offering their services to minors outside these hours or these days. In addition, they should establish verification systems to prevent misguided access of documents to minors.
Conflict of interest
China has 110 million children dedicated to video games, according to official data collected by the Reuters news agency. More than half (62.5%) play online and 13% play more than two hours a day via mobile. On the contrary, video game makers claim that minors are a very small part of their business. According to the data provided by the company tencent, they only represent 3% of the profits, according to the newspaper La Vanguardia on its website. Companies such as Tencent, NetEase and Ubisoft have rightly criticised the government’s decision to reduce the strength of technology companies. The truth is that it makes sense to think that it can be a trick to control citizens even more.
Accepted as a disease since 2019
In 2019, the World Health Organization introduced video game addiction to the international classification of diseases, therefore, recently, and there is still no global data on the problem. However, there are studies that illustrate the dimension of the theme. According to data from the U.S. Health Institute, about 2,000 people practice video games around the world, of which 3% are addicted, more than minors, adults.
I think Soraluze’s ‘Jaso burua’ initiative is very good, which drives the necessary awareness. Last week, I was at the conference for parents of elementary school children. With the older child in FP, little criticism was heard about the use of screens (and screen... [+]
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Seme-alabei smartphonea goizegi erosi nahi ez dieten familietan, “presioa hain da handia, herri batzuetan benetako bazterketa arriskuak detektatzen hasi garela” mugikorra ez duen haurrarekiko. Lehen Hezkuntzako gurasoen artean, ikasgela edo maila bakoitzean familiak... [+]
“Barraka” abentura bideo-joko umoretsua garatzeko urtebete izango du Ibai Aizpurua diseinatzaile eta programatzaile irundarrak. Horretarako 15.000 euroko laguntza irabazi du Durangoko Azokaren laugarren sormen bekan.