Topagunea's calls stress the need for an "independent organisation" in a context of crisis: "In the face of the elimination of fundamental rights, the increase in life and the deterioration of the quality of life in general, we want to raise the need for communism. The main objective of the Topagune is therefore to provide a space for debate and dialogue on the current state of communism and on the importance of the independent organization of young people".
They report that the programme will be reported in the coming weeks and that tickets will be made available in the near future.
Ikasle Abertzaleakek eta Gazte Koordinadora Sozialistak antolatutako topaketek "komunitatea indartzeko" baliatuko dituzte. Gaurtik zapatura bitartekoak, lan egiteko egunak izango direla azaldu dute topaketen antolatzaileek, baina eztabaidarako eta aisialdirako tartea... [+]