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GKS and IA organize the Socialist Gazte Topagune with “all guarantees”

  • GKS and Ikasle Abertzaleak have pointed out that EH Bildu and Sortu have had to "adapt and adapt" for the Socialist Topagune programme to be "with all guarantees".
Agerraldia egin dute Burlatako udalaren parean (Argazkia: Gedar)

04 October 2023 - 09:20
Last updated: 12:14
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Members of the Socialist Youth Coordinator (GKS) and Ikasle Abertzaleak (IA) met in front of Burlada City Hall this Tuesday. They have denounced in recent weeks the "political veto they are suffering" by EH Bildu and said that the Socialist Gazte Topagune continues: “Bureaucratically banning a meeting point to raise political awareness and encourage critical thinking in the face of the impoverishment of young people is absolutely unacceptable, especially when it comes to a ban on political and arbitrary grounds.”

The Socialist Topagune programme will be reduced to two days. It will be held on 13 and 14 October in Villava and Burlada.

They have defined it as a “political” program and want it to be a space to bring together thousands of “politicized young people” to “foster critical thinking” and “awaken political awareness” in the face of the “crisis” situation of society. It is a programme that will focus on political training and will be oriented towards conferences and demands during these two days: “In order to promote the critical thinking of young people, we do not need the authorization of prohibitive municipalities.” They also undertake that the initiatives that take place during the day “do not impede the daily life of the people”.

Young people report that EH Bildu has acted "passively" to give a "solution" to the situation: “We have received no response from you and instead of explaining the reasons for the decisions you have taken, neighbors and citizens have tried to oppose the members of the Socialist Movement.”

Call for organisation

They have insisted on the need to “defend workers’ rights to make policy beyond institutions” so that henceforth these types of “prohibitions” and “arbitrariness” are not repeated. In addition to reaffirming their commitment to the Socialist Gazte Topagune "with all guarantees", they invite the youth of Villava, Burlada and all citizens in general to participate in their initiatives.

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