On Tuesday morning, around 05:15 hours, staff at the incineration plant in Zabalgarbi in Alonsotegi gave notice to the Ertzaintza. During the work of the trucks with the waste deposited in the incinerator, specifically in the process of emptying and treating the waste, it was verified what could be a dead body.
The Ertzaintza and the forensic doctor came, and after confirming that the person found had died, they transferred the body to the Pathology Service of the Bilbao Tribunal for the autopsy.
According to the public information of the newspaper El Correo, the deceased is a migrant of 20 years of Maghrebian origin and L.B.M. They're the acronyms of their name. A couple of years ago he came to Euskal Herria as a minor and was in the supervised center of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia in Karrantza.
The Ertzaintza begins an investigation to find out how death has occurred. The main hypothesis is that the young man went to sleep in the container and did not realize the arrival of the garbage truck. They investigate which truck the body came to the incinerator to find out where the accident occurred, according to Naiz, a young man who entered a container in Bilbao.
In this sense, AZET, Housing Union of the Casco Viejo de Bilbao, has held the City Council of Bilbao responsible. This has been manifested in social networks: "This year the City Hall has stepped up the war on the poor by chasing homeless people. The best known case is that of the Atxuri courts, which in January, in bad faith, surrounded them leaving the young people who slept there without refuge. At the same time, they began to harass the homeless, sending the Municipal Police of Bilbao to awaken the people who slept in the street, to drive them out of parks and public spaces. All this in the name of security. This young man has died in the name of his safety!"
Gasteizko Errotako (Koroatze) auzoan izan diren manifestazio "anonimoek" kolokan jarri dute auzokoen arteko elkarbizitza. Azalera atera dituzte ere hauetan parte hartu duten partidu politiko batzuen eta beste kide batzuen izaera faxista eta arrazista.
In this frenetic and vertiginous world in which we live, the social changes that take place little by little seem to us to be sometimes imperceptible, irrelevant or insignificant. That is not the case, however, and we have to be aware of it in order to act wisely. An example of... [+]