A large group of young people from the Basque Country approached the act to support the new institution. As explained in the introduction, "the option that unites young people is the defense of socialism and the objective is to overcome bourgeois domination and different forms of oppression".
In the following lines you can read Gedar, how the worker journalist has received the presentation from the coordinator:
"They have reminded those who have been trampled by the capitalist system and especially praised those who rise up in the face of this insult. Thus, they have been hopeful of the socialist political demonstrations that are taking place throughout the Basque Country. In particular, they have referred to the exemplary fighting experiences of gaztetxes, student struggles, the rise of class feminism and the elaboration and dissemination of revolutionary theory.
They have explained that Gazte Koordinadora Sozialista is the result of militants trained and raised in all these experiences and born with the objective of strengthening them. To do so, they intend to provide conditions to overcome the limitations found by the capabilities and expressions cited above.
Aware of the difficulties, the implementation of the class unit is essential to achieve the objectives. To achieve this, they consider it necessary to have their own political organizations that guarantee the political independence of the working class and their families.
With regard to the problem of youth, and recognizing that this is an issue that cannot be resolved without addressing the problem of class, they have set as one of their main tasks the political elaboration of the same and the creation of working institutions for the development of culture and the socialist line. He also stressed that these functions respond to the defense of the working class and to the production of the workers' power.
Before concluding, they have added a concretion to all this: they have seen the need for the development of models of communist relations, the strengthening of the fighting community, the elaboration of the critical and profound spirit, the defense and support of the proletariat, the revival of socialist culture, the dissemination of proletarian institutions, the construction of revolutionary theory, the input or the creation of a new political model of celebration, among others.
Thus, they have appealed to the struggle, reaffirming the need to constitute a socialist power in the face of the current capitalist misery".
This document explains the reason for the creation of the Coordinator. Complete appearance on the bottom video:
The central point of the proposed liberation of working women has historically been the issue of care as one of the main themes that characterize our oppression. On the one hand, the poor conditions that workers in the surveillance sector have as a result of the lack of social... [+]