On 19 May 2018, the dynamic Bizia Da Handia (BDH) occupied a public eight-storey building on Idiakez Street, which remained empty for twelve years. It was the first action of the week of social struggles, and as announced from the beginning the citizens who entered it, in less than a week they returned to leave the building empty. Almost a year later, on 14 May, a young Donostia will have to go to court for the occupation of the public building, following a complaint by the Ertzaintza.
Denouncing the criminalization of social protest, the BDH has called a rally for Tuesday to demand that the occupation is not a crime and the absolution of the juzgado.Los public buildings are not of the administration, they are of the citizens! Under the motto '.
In addition, the BDH recalls that during the concentration against the World Tourism Organization in Tabakalera the police went against the population and arrested two people. Members of the people ' s movement have reported that one of them is now accused of an attack on the authority, and that his trial may come at any time.
This news was posted by Irutxuloko Hitza and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the free licenses CC-by-s
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