Two policemen from Estepona in Malaga (Andalusia) raped an 18-year-old in 2018. Despite being sentenced to two years ' imprisonment, they will not be imprisoned on the basis of an agreement between the Prosecutor ' s Office and the private prosecution. Two men will receive a course in sexual education and pay the victim EUR 80,000.
The violation took place on June 9, 2018, when a young man was with his friends in a nightclub and a police control stopped the car led by a friend of his. The two local police officers were working. After checking that all the car's friends had drunk, the police ordered a taxi and told their group again and again to give them their phone number. They finally got a phone number, because the car was approaching the cops.
According to Público, the two policemen reportedly appeared shortly after the three people arrived in their building. After talking, they made the proposal to go home. As the two men were policemen, they accepted the proposal. According to the prosecutor, one of these cops once he got home said: “Well, how does orgy start?” Although the girl refuses, she was raped by both cops. This has forced the victim to receive medical pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatment.
Without judgment
A hearing was held on 22 April. The Prosecutor ' s Office, the private prosecution and the defence of the two defendants presented a joint statement. In the letter it was also agreed to impose the following sanctions on the police: disqualification for employment or public office and a ban on communicating with it for 10 years.
The Prosecutor's Office initially called for a 30-year prison sentence and said it had been a sexual assault. But after the agreement, it was decided not to hold the trial because they did not consider it necessary.
The judges argue that the rapists have already compensated the victim and that there is “little chance” of re-raping the victim. But the president of the Eighth Section of the Málaga Provincial Court, in a particular vote, rejects this perspective and stresses that “there is an obvious criminal risk to the authors” in the facts and considers that it was “a very planned act”.
Bi erizainetatik batek lanean eraso sexistak jasaten dituela azalerazi du Erizainen Ordenak joan den urte bukaeran egin ikerketak. 21.000 erizainek ihardetsi dute, sektore pribatu, publiko eta liberaletik. Hauetan 2.500 gizonak dira.