A study on the possible use of the Asturian mountains reveals that the exploitation of chestnut trees can multiply the benefits of eucalyptus plantations by six.
In addition to the direct sale of chestnuts, chestnut wood has also become a very profitable product in the medium term. Chestnut flour, which is increasingly popular among people who are allergic to gluten, is a product of high added value throughout Europe.
In order to achieve the objective of not abandoning the mountains, it is essential that they become profitable. A well-preserved mountain is not so fragile in the face of fires, and its exploitation can offer a dignified life to the inhabitants of the mountain areas, preventing the disappearance of the mountains.
On the basis of these criteria, ideas are sought for the use of forest land from an economic, social and ecological perspective.
Herriko EH Bilduko zinegotzi eta legebiltzarkide den Ander Goikoetxeak egindako galdera parlamentario bati Jaurlaritzak emandako erantzunaren bidez jaso informazioa hau. Bi haize sorgailu ezartzeko asmoa dago eta Cluster Hernani izeneko proiektu zabalago baten barruan kokatzen... [+]
Mendizale batek asteburuan ikusi du animalia Lapurdiko Azkaine herrian, eta otsoa dela baieztatu du Pirinio Atlantikoetako Prefeturak. ELB lurraldean "harraparien presentziaren kontra" agertu da.
On Sunday of September it is customary to climb to Ernio, dance in Zelatun and eat brown chorizo, or something. The worst time you don't need people. This year, when my friends were leaving earlier and I was delaying, I would go up alone, finding the crews coming down. Most young... [+]