We were impatient and chestnuts came to the earth. The moorings have been longed for and barely the shining examples of the interior are shown. As soon as they saw their little face, their mouth also clouded.
The chestnut is always presented with its elegant suit: mordisqueta, concave, corpusculo, rope, rough, croche, mud, arbots, hawthorn, hawthorn, cushion, garfio, bufón, caracol, carroña, carroña, carroña, bufón, carroña... It contains more than three pieces of chestnuts inside the catacola. Surely it will have another name. The suit is elegant but rough, thorny. The saying goes: "Hard father, black mother, red skin, white child: chestnut." So for us, the color of the chestnut is black. This blackness also mentions another expression that has taught us in the networks Sabina Carmen Sagardia Erneta de Soramendi, de Donamaria, and that has been taught by Eztebe González Larratxo de Irun: -A big chestnut, a raw chestnut, a black grain. Big father, rough mother, black son. "Splinter of the same wood," he says.
The chestnut (Castanea sativa) is beaten and ground with the pertiga or rod to land the chestnuts. This costume is called "cutting the chestnut" and "cutting the chestnut." Disguise or demolish or prune or shake or...
Bakaiku celebrates the day of chestnut cutting. It's been a wonderful knowledge, but in many places it's practically lost. The Sakana area is the area where work is being done to maintain and collect this culture and disseminate it. Also in many other places: Arantza works on the conservation of indigenous varieties, with the celebration of the Festival de la Castaña de Apaniz, in the Izki Natural Park, to preserve and show its legacy. For example, the names of the chestnut varieties: Carabinero, Carabinero, Carabinero, Carabinero, Carabinero, Carabinero, Carabinero, Carabinero, Carabinero, Carabinero, Carabinero, Carabinero, Carabinero, Carabinero
Do you know anyone? Surely there's another one, right? Here's our tremendous chestnut culture.
When the tree has been beaten with the punishment of chestnuts and the chestnuts have been collected with a tweezer or a male or with a tweezer or a marachula, collected in the hespil, with a morcocha, so that they may remain during the winter for as long as possible. Then, if the grills are not to be cracked, manipulated, cracked or allegorical by themselves. Chop, read, lick, crespar, shrink, bruise, decolate, desiccate, devour or bind. He withered, scrambled, shrunk, pulled out, crumbled, vomited, cooled, crushed or sewn and ate, roasted or cooked. Or like a year ago, to chew. Among all these jobs, we'll eat a lot of culture. In fact, the chestnut culture is not morkots ilupa.
Administrazio Epaitegiak arrazoia eman dio EH Bilduk Lizarrako plantilla organikoaren hizkutnz profilen aurka jarritako helegiteari.
Emakume bakoitzaren errelatotik abiatuta, lurrari eta elikadurari buruzko jakituria kolektibizatu eta sukaldeko iruditegia irauli nahi ditu Ziminttere proiektuak, mahai baten bueltan, sukaldean bertan eta elikagaiak eskutan darabiltzaten bitartean.
Ibon galdezka etorri zait Bizibaratzea.eus webguneko kontsultategira. Uda aurre horretan artoa (Zea mays) eta baba gorria (Phaseolus vulgaris) erein nahi ditu. “Arto” hitza grekotik dator eta oinarrizko jakia esan nahi du, artoa = ogia; arto edo panizo edo mileka... [+]
Nekazal eremu lehor baten erdian ageri da putzua. Txikia da tamainaz, eta ez oso sakona. Egunak dira euririk egiten ez duela, baina oasi txiki honek oraindik ere aurretik bildutako urari eusten dio. Gauak eremua irentsi du eta isiltasunaren erdian kantu bakarti bat entzun da... [+]
Zuhaitza esnatzear dago, kimuak ageri dira adarretan. Gutxi falta da loraldirako, laster aro berria hasiko du, indarberrituta.
Just as we experienced the flourishing of the Basque Country with the help of the artists, so that this time, taking advantage of their impulses, we continue to make our way together giving the necessary support to the Basque political prisoners, exiles and deportees
The... [+]