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14 per cent of Gaza is a “safe area” for civilians by order of the Zionist army

  • UNRWA has denounced that evacuation orders are aimed only at "increasing misery, fear and suffering". 86 per cent of the area is evacuated, leaving only 50 square kilometres.

30 July 2024 - 09:55

The head of the UN UNRWA agency for Palestinian refugees, Philippe Lazzarini, has denounced that the Israeli army has not ordered the evacuation of only 14% of the Gaza Strip. These orders affect almost the entire population of the Gaza Strip. In any case, the so-called "safe areas" have been bombarded several times by Israel over the last nine months.

The Zionist Army has repeatedly forced the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to move since the genocide began in October. Following the destruction of most of the strip and under constant attacks, "there is no safe place in Gaza", numerous international agencies, including the UN, have denounced. In the words of UNRWA leader Lazzarini, "extends almost daily" evacuation orders from Israeli armies, and often Palestinians have few hours to move to other areas and "resume" them. On average, the majority of the population is forced to move once a month, according to UNRWA data. According to Lazzarini, evacuation orders only generate “misery, fear and suffering”.

With the exception of areas declared "unsafe", there are only 50 square kilometres left in the Gaza Strip, which has more than two million inhabitants. Before 7 October, Gaza was one of the most populous areas in the world and the area where Palestinians "can be" has now been drastically reduced. The latest mandates have mainly affected the southern city of Khan Younis, a large part of the Al-Mawas " humanitarian zone " . Before issuing the evacuation order, on 13 July, the Zionist army killed 90 Palestinians in the Al-Mawasi “humanitarian camp”. About a hundred people have died this weekend in the vast Gaza Strip by the Zionists and more than 300 have been wounded.

The Palestinians forced to evacuate have nowhere to go and there is no room in Gaza to meet their basic needs as a result of the Israeli attacks. The Zionist Army has systematically destroyed the health system, ways of obtaining clean water and food production areas, and humanitarian aid has hardly been introduced on the List since the Zionists in early May monitored the entire passage and border between Gaza and Egypt.

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