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Israel leaves 80 per cent of Gaza hospitals out of service for destruction or lack of fuel

  • The Ministry of Health has announced that the health system in Gaza is about to collapse due to the lack of fuel and Israeli attacks. Israel has killed 500 doctors and 138 nurses on 7 October and destroyed 33 hospitals. According to UNRWA, 300,000 people have had to flee from Rafah in recent days. Israel is also attacking central and northern Gaza.

15 May 2024 - 06:57
Last updated: 10:00

The Gaza Ministry of Health announced on Monday night the collapse of the Gaza health system “within a few hours.” On Tuesday afternoon he said 80% of health centers are out of service. The main problem has become the lack of fuel, as Israel has prevented the entry of humanitarian aid and fuel since it took control of the Rafah border crossing point. Hospitals and ambulances will no longer be able to work, they say. This situation will affect the whole of the Gaza Strip, particularly serious given that the aggression of the Zionists in recent months has injured at least 79,000 people.

According to the media of Al Jazeera and Al Mayade, Israel has destroyed 33 hospitals and 55 health centers since 7 October. According to data from the Gaza Ministry of Health, 500 doctors and 138 nurses have been killed by the Zionist army. In the words of the Ministry, these figures show Israel’s “intention to genocide”, which specifically targeted hospitals, medical facilities and ambulances, to further aggravate the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

In the city of Rafah, for example, the Medical Aid for Palestinians association has denounced that Israel ordered the evacuation of the central hospital on 8 May, so one million people from Rafah were abandoned with the health services of a 16-bed hospital, another basic trauma management hospital and a hospital that manages deliveries.

In collaboration with the Gaza Ministry of Health. 35,173 people have been killed by Israel in Gaza, some 14,500 children

Israel killed over 35,000 people in seven months

In collaboration with the Gaza Ministry of Health, Al Jazeera has updated official death and injury figures since 7 October. 35,173 people have been killed by Israel in Gaza, some 14,500 children. In the West Bank it has also suffered numerous attacks during these months, although there was no attack from there and in that part of the country it does not command Sixteen. Since October, 498 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank, including 124 children and at least 4,950 wounded.

In recent days the Israeli authorities have questioned the figures of the Ministry of Health and accused the Palestinians of manipulating. In view of this, the World Health Organisation has said that the figures are reliable and that there are no errors. UN spokeswoman Farhan Haq pointed out that of the 35,000 deaths almost 25,000 are fully identified and that work is being done on identifying another 10,000 corpses. Later on, they will detail their data, such as the number of children.

All Rafah is being dominated by the Zionist army. On 7 May the East was ordered to be evacuated and Israeli tanks have already entered the west of the city

Condition of the entire Gaza Strip

All Rafah is being dominated by the Zionist army. On 7 May the East was ordered to be evacuated and Israeli tanks have already entered the west of the city. According to UNRWA data, 300,000 people have been forced out of Rafah by bombings and attacks. However, they warn that throughout the Gaza Strip “there is no safe place”. UNICEF states that 600,000 children cannot leave Rafah. 1.4 million people had been taken to Rafah as a refuge after being expelled from the northern areas. Now the Israeli authorities want to force them to return to the north.

But northern Gaza is also being attacked by the Zionists. Many media outlets have announced that in recent days Israeli Army tanks have entered the Jabalia refugee camp and killed dozens of people. Further north of Jabalia, in the Beit Lahia area, Israel has bombed and wounded many children. They also cause deaths, according to Al Jazeera. The Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza has also been attacked on Tuesday by the Zionists, who have killed at least 20 people. The Israeli Army itself has acknowledged that over the past 24 hours it has attacked 120 “military targets”.

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