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Thousands of citizens in Donostia "do not get used to" the genocide in Gaza

  • More than 250 cultural agents called for the “stop genocide from culture” demonstration. Thousands of people have completed the journey between Alderdi Eder and the Wind Comb on March 17. There have been various artistic interventions. The greatest impact has occurred on the ground along the route. Images with drones depict the Gaza massacre. At the end of the story, pictures of Dani Blanco.
Gazako sarraskiaren irudikapena Haizearen Orrazian. Argaqzkia: Dani Blanco / ARGIA CC BY-SA

18 March 2024 - 11:57
Last updated: 13:12
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

It was not an ordinary demonstration. The demonstrators protest not on the road, but on the sidewalks. From Alderdi Eder de Donostia to the Wind Comb. Musicians, bertsolaris, dancers and singers have played throughout the tour. There have also been 23 works of art carried out for the protest. Numerous cultural actors (Olatz Salvador, Mikel Urdangarin, El Drogras, Maialen Lujanbio, Beñat Gaztelumendi, etc.) met at the demonstration on 17 March. and others have participated in the call, such as Bernardo Atxaga, Itziar Ituño, Gorka Otxoa, Alex Ubago, Ruiz de Totelaut, Ordera, Martinez, Martinez, Ruiz, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez,

An action of great impact has been carried out between the beach of Ondarreta and the Peine del Viento. In Gernika, in 1937, the mermaid they used to warn of the bombings has strangled on the ground. They have wanted to represent the deceased population in Gaza and have recorded the image with drone for further international dissemination.

“Don’t get used to it, don’t forget”

Throughout the journey, the cries of “boycott of Israel, liberation of Palestine”, “Zionist state, terrorist state” and “not war, it is genocide” have been heard.

Mireia Gabilondo, Aitziber Garmendia, Josean Bengoetxea and Itziar Atienza have read the declaration at the end of the Wind Comb. It was the title of the statement, “Don’t get used to it, don’t forget.” They point out that they do not want to get acquainted with “destruction and infinite suffering”, they do not want to get used to the “warm complicity of the ‘free and civilised world’ led by the United States and persecuted by the European Union”.

They don’t want to get used to “hospitals and ambulances that bombard daily, amputations without anesthesia, famines, humiliations, incarceration and systematic torture.”

They don’t want to get used to “killing a child every ten minutes in Gaza, losing one or two legs every day.”

At the end of the declaration, requests have been made to the political leaders and to the European Union: “Letting time pass makes us accomplices, with arms crossed and without calling things by name. Because it is genocide, systematic apartheid. That is why we ask our leaders and politicians to abandon all their trade, military and diplomatic relations with Israel. In the face of the massacre, we urge the European Union to take firm steps to force the aggressor to put an end to his violent wave: the definitive ceasefire, the end of the occupation and the end of violence against innocent men, women and children.”

Political parties and trade unions

The protest has been supported by cultural agents and thousands of citizens, as well as by other associations related to Gaza: Gernika-Palestine Herri Ekimena, the Yala Nafarroa and Sanitation platform with Palestine. The call was supported by EH Bildu, Jon Podemos, Sumar, Ezker Anitza, PSE-EE and EH Bai. The demonstration was also attended by representatives of the PNV. As for the trade unions, LAB, Etxalde, ELA, UGT, CCOO and Steilas were present.

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