The Swiss Government announced on Wednesday that people of the same sex will be able to marry from July of next year. Since 2007, they had the option to register as a couple, but not to marry. In September, the majority of the population decided in a referendum to legalize marriage, which lasted two months. They report that anyone who wishes can make the request before July.
Gay and lesbian couples will also be able to adopt their children together. Since 2018, one of the couples was able to embrace the other's son, but not both at a time. In the case of women, they may use the assisted reproductive technique.
European situation
In Euskal Herria today it is legal, in Hego Euskal Herria since 2005 and in Ipar Euskal Herria since 2013. However, in some European states same-sex marriage is not legal: Italy, Greece, Croatia, Hongaria, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and the Czech Republic. The Netherlands was the first to legalise in the world in 2001.
Sexu bereko pertsonen ezkontzak legeztatzearen inguruko inkesta egin dute Australian, posta bidez. 12,7 milioi herritarrek eman dute botoa: %61,6k alde bozkatu du, eta %38,4k kontra. Bozketa ez da loteslea baina Parlamentuan lege proiektu bat aurkezteko balio dezake.
Hiru hamarkadetan hirukoiztu egin da ezkontza zibilen kopurua. Orduan, senar-emazteen %23k baino ez zuen hautatzen elizaz kanpoko hautua. Egun, atzekoz aurrera irakurri behar da datu hori: ospakizun katolikoak %20 dira, eta zibilak %80.