Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Eleven years of the disappearance of Jon Anza

  • Anza was last seen on April 18, 2009 in Baiona. Since then, the disappearance has never been resolved and French justice has decided to continue the investigation. The family regrets that Anza "has been the victim of a dirty war."

18 April 2020 - 11:15

ETA militant Jon Anza has been missing since 18 April 2009, and no trace of it has been found since then. That day he took a train in Baiona at 7 a.m. to go to Toulouse. There, his track was lost. Days later, ETA announced that Anza was his militant and that he had a date with him in Tolosa to receive the amount of money he had with him. At the same time, he reported that Anza had guessed that the police were following him. The serious illness suffered by the Donostia, which has died in a traffic accident, is also known. Ten months later, Anza's body appeared in the morgue of the hospital in Tolosa, where he died. Meanwhile, a man found unconscious on 29 April 2009 in a park in Tolosa died on 11 May in the city hospital. The Pro Amnesty Movement confirmed that it was Anza that was explained in the park.

For eleven years the disappearance of Anza has not been revealed. The family has repeatedly denounced that the French authorities and the judiciary do not want clarification of the disappearance and death of the ETA militant in France. In fact, in October 2012, Judge Myriam Viargues closed the investigation by arguing that Anza died naturally and that it was not possible to know what had happened to him during the time he was missing – the prosecution took the same stance.

Victim of dirty war

Your family makes it clear: Anza was the victim of the “dirty war.” In 2015, the Paris Court of Corrections ruled that the French Government had not been responsible for the irregularities in the Anza case. The family, on the other hand, maintains its claim: "The French State should acknowledge its responsibility." Last year, Berria interviewed Anza's niece, Garbiñe Alkiza.

Anza was 21 years old as a prisoner and in 2005 moved to Ahetze, where he was bullied in Hego Euskal Herria.

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