This Wednesday, the finalists of the Rikardo Arrangi Journalism and Communication Awards will be released at the Bastero Cultural Center in Andoain.
Among the journalism finalists is June Fernández, for a written report in ARGIA: Adolescents and sex education: The problem is porn? The jury explained that although this is a topic that generates "discomfort" in the public debate, the journalist has turned it into an argument for analysis, a "raw" article, with interlocutors. He also stressed that the graphic images with which the report was made "also deserve a special mention".
The book Juana de Jon Artano Izeta is another candidate in the journalistic field; the series of interviews “Feminizketak” written by Maite Asensio, Amaia Igartua and Isabel Jaurena in the journal Berria; and the juvenile media Bada in the French Basque Country.
Furthermore, the Communication Awards will also be announced at Andoain. Candidates are as follows: Project of the Cultural Association Wikilarien Euskal Wikilarien Kultura Elkartea “Ikusgela”; podcast by Berria “Ezer ez eta festa”; videopodkasta by EITB “Ez hain ondo”; and podkasta “Flop kultura” by Euskalerria Irratia.
Each prize winner will receive €9,000. On the other hand, journalist Ana Galarraga Aiestaran will receive at the beginning of the gala the Mugarria de Honor de la Juventud Award.
Vietnam, February 7, 1965. The U.S. Air Force first used napalma against the civilian population. It was not the first time that gelatinous gasoline was used. It began to be launched with bombs during World War II and, in Vietnam itself, it was used during the Indochina War in... [+]
Hirietako egunerokoa interesatzen zaio Sarah Babiker kazetariari; ez, ordea, postaletako irudia, baizik eta auzoetan, parkeetan, eskoletan, garatzen den bizitza; bertan dabilen jendea. Lurralde horretan kokatzen dira bere artikuluak, baita iaz argitaratu zituen bi lanak ere... [+]
The other day, as I was walking through the famous television series The Wire, there came a scene that reminded me of despair. There, the management of the newspaper The Baltimore Sun brought together the workers and alerted them to the changes that are coming, i.e. redundancies... [+]