Mendia Wind explained that the Valdegovía wind project in the west of Álava aims to increase the potential of the region's renewable energies. Meanwhile, the company San Miguel ISFV has presented the project for the construction of three photovoltaic parks in the municipalities of Vitoria-Gasteiz and Arratzua-Ubarrundia.
The Valdegovía project would have six windmills and its objective is to reach a total power of 43.2 MW. The aim of this project is to increase the production of renewable energy in the region and to reduce the environmental burden, according to the company. It has ensured that it wants to generate "clean and sustainable energy" using the potential of wind energy. Likewise, the company San Miguel ISFV has presented the project to create three photovoltaic parks in the municipalities of Vitoria-Gasteiz and Arratzua-Ubarrundia, with 6,480 panels and with the objective of reaching four MW of power.
In recent years, wind and photovoltaic parks have experienced a significant increase in both the Basque Country in general and Álava. In Álava, 75.4% of the central energy companies want to produce in the CAV is concentrated, as Estitxu Eizagirre has recently detailed in this comprehensive report.
On the other hand, the company FE Energy has submitted the project to install fourteen windmills in the Urumea mountains. If authorized, it would become one of the largest wind farms in the Basque Country, with a power of 100 MW. In Navarre, the Cavar Park will have a power of 111 MW and 32 mills, while in the Gerinda mountains there are other smaller wind farms, with a total of 123 mills.
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